Interface ModelRegistry.TransitionModelVersionStageOrBuilder

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean getArchiveExistingVersions()
      When transitioning a model version to a particular stage, this flag dictates whether all existing model versions in that stage should be atomically moved to the "archived" stage.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Name of the registered model getNameBytes()
      Name of the registered model
      java.lang.String getStage()
      Transition `model_version` to new stage. getStageBytes()
      Transition `model_version` to new stage.
      java.lang.String getVersion()
      Model version number getVersionBytes()
      Model version number
      boolean hasArchiveExistingVersions()
      When transitioning a model version to a particular stage, this flag dictates whether all existing model versions in that stage should be atomically moved to the "archived" stage.
      boolean hasName()
      Name of the registered model
      boolean hasStage()
      Transition `model_version` to new stage.
      boolean hasVersion()
      Model version number
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasName

        boolean hasName()
         Name of the registered model
        optional string name = 1 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        Whether the name field is set.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
         Name of the registered model
        optional string name = 1 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The name.
      • getNameBytes getNameBytes()
         Name of the registered model
        optional string name = 1 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The bytes for name.
      • hasVersion

        boolean hasVersion()
         Model version number
        optional string version = 2 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        Whether the version field is set.
      • getVersion

        java.lang.String getVersion()
         Model version number
        optional string version = 2 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The version.
      • getVersionBytes getVersionBytes()
         Model version number
        optional string version = 2 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The bytes for version.
      • hasStage

        boolean hasStage()
         Transition `model_version` to new stage.
        optional string stage = 3 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        Whether the stage field is set.
      • getStage

        java.lang.String getStage()
         Transition `model_version` to new stage.
        optional string stage = 3 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The stage.
      • getStageBytes getStageBytes()
         Transition `model_version` to new stage.
        optional string stage = 3 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The bytes for stage.
      • hasArchiveExistingVersions

        boolean hasArchiveExistingVersions()
         When transitioning a model version to a particular stage, this flag dictates whether all
         existing model versions in that stage should be atomically moved to the "archived" stage.
         This ensures that at-most-one model version exists in the target stage.
         This field is *required* when transitioning a model versions's stage
        optional bool archive_existing_versions = 4 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        Whether the archiveExistingVersions field is set.
      • getArchiveExistingVersions

        boolean getArchiveExistingVersions()
         When transitioning a model version to a particular stage, this flag dictates whether all
         existing model versions in that stage should be atomically moved to the "archived" stage.
         This ensures that at-most-one model version exists in the target stage.
         This field is *required* when transitioning a model versions's stage
        optional bool archive_existing_versions = 4 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The archiveExistingVersions.