Interface Service.CreateRunOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Service.CreateRun, Service.CreateRun.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Service.CreateRunOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getExperimentId()
      ID of the associated experiment. getExperimentIdBytes()
      ID of the associated experiment.
      java.lang.String getRunName()
      Name of the run. getRunNameBytes()
      Name of the run.
      long getStartTime()
      Unix timestamp in milliseconds of when the run started.
      Service.RunTag getTags​(int index)
      Additional metadata for run.
      int getTagsCount()
      Additional metadata for run.
      java.util.List<Service.RunTag> getTagsList()
      Additional metadata for run.
      Service.RunTagOrBuilder getTagsOrBuilder​(int index)
      Additional metadata for run.
      java.util.List<? extends Service.RunTagOrBuilder> getTagsOrBuilderList()
      Additional metadata for run.
      java.lang.String getUserId()
      ID of the user executing the run. getUserIdBytes()
      ID of the user executing the run.
      boolean hasExperimentId()
      ID of the associated experiment.
      boolean hasRunName()
      Name of the run.
      boolean hasStartTime()
      Unix timestamp in milliseconds of when the run started.
      boolean hasUserId()
      ID of the user executing the run.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasExperimentId

        boolean hasExperimentId()
         ID of the associated experiment.
        optional string experiment_id = 1;
        Whether the experimentId field is set.
      • getExperimentId

        java.lang.String getExperimentId()
         ID of the associated experiment.
        optional string experiment_id = 1;
        The experimentId.
      • getExperimentIdBytes getExperimentIdBytes()
         ID of the associated experiment.
        optional string experiment_id = 1;
        The bytes for experimentId.
      • hasUserId

        boolean hasUserId()
         ID of the user executing the run.
         This field is deprecated as of MLflow 1.0, and will be removed in a future
         MLflow release. Use 'mlflow.user' tag instead.
        optional string user_id = 2;
        Whether the userId field is set.
      • getUserId

        java.lang.String getUserId()
         ID of the user executing the run.
         This field is deprecated as of MLflow 1.0, and will be removed in a future
         MLflow release. Use 'mlflow.user' tag instead.
        optional string user_id = 2;
        The userId.
      • getUserIdBytes getUserIdBytes()
         ID of the user executing the run.
         This field is deprecated as of MLflow 1.0, and will be removed in a future
         MLflow release. Use 'mlflow.user' tag instead.
        optional string user_id = 2;
        The bytes for userId.
      • hasRunName

        boolean hasRunName()
         Name of the run.
        optional string run_name = 3;
        Whether the runName field is set.
      • getRunName

        java.lang.String getRunName()
         Name of the run.
        optional string run_name = 3;
        The runName.
      • getRunNameBytes getRunNameBytes()
         Name of the run.
        optional string run_name = 3;
        The bytes for runName.
      • hasStartTime

        boolean hasStartTime()
         Unix timestamp in milliseconds of when the run started.
        optional int64 start_time = 7;
        Whether the startTime field is set.
      • getStartTime

        long getStartTime()
         Unix timestamp in milliseconds of when the run started.
        optional int64 start_time = 7;
        The startTime.
      • getTagsList

        java.util.List<Service.RunTag> getTagsList()
         Additional metadata for run.
        repeated .mlflow.RunTag tags = 9;
      • getTags

        Service.RunTag getTags​(int index)
         Additional metadata for run.
        repeated .mlflow.RunTag tags = 9;
      • getTagsCount

        int getTagsCount()
         Additional metadata for run.
        repeated .mlflow.RunTag tags = 9;
      • getTagsOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends Service.RunTagOrBuilder> getTagsOrBuilderList()
         Additional metadata for run.
        repeated .mlflow.RunTag tags = 9;
      • getTagsOrBuilder

        Service.RunTagOrBuilder getTagsOrBuilder​(int index)
         Additional metadata for run.
        repeated .mlflow.RunTag tags = 9;