Interface Service.DeleteTracesOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Service.DeleteTraces, Service.DeleteTraces.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Service.DeleteTracesOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getExperimentId()
      ID of the associated experiment. getExperimentIdBytes()
      ID of the associated experiment.
      long getMaxTimestampMillis()
      Case 1: max_timestamp_millis and max_traces must be specified for time-based deletion The maximum timestamp in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch for deleting traces.
      int getMaxTraces()
      The maximum number of traces to delete.
      java.lang.String getRequestIds​(int index)
      Case 2: request_ids must be specified for ID-based deletion A set of request IDs to delete getRequestIdsBytes​(int index)
      Case 2: request_ids must be specified for ID-based deletion A set of request IDs to delete
      int getRequestIdsCount()
      Case 2: request_ids must be specified for ID-based deletion A set of request IDs to delete
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getRequestIdsList()
      Case 2: request_ids must be specified for ID-based deletion A set of request IDs to delete
      boolean hasExperimentId()
      ID of the associated experiment.
      boolean hasMaxTimestampMillis()
      Case 1: max_timestamp_millis and max_traces must be specified for time-based deletion The maximum timestamp in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch for deleting traces.
      boolean hasMaxTraces()
      The maximum number of traces to delete.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasExperimentId

        boolean hasExperimentId()
         ID of the associated experiment.
        optional string experiment_id = 1 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        Whether the experimentId field is set.
      • getExperimentId

        java.lang.String getExperimentId()
         ID of the associated experiment.
        optional string experiment_id = 1 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The experimentId.
      • getExperimentIdBytes getExperimentIdBytes()
         ID of the associated experiment.
        optional string experiment_id = 1 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The bytes for experimentId.
      • hasMaxTimestampMillis

        boolean hasMaxTimestampMillis()
         Case 1: max_timestamp_millis and max_traces must be specified for time-based deletion
         The maximum timestamp in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch for deleting traces.
        optional int64 max_timestamp_millis = 2;
        Whether the maxTimestampMillis field is set.
      • getMaxTimestampMillis

        long getMaxTimestampMillis()
         Case 1: max_timestamp_millis and max_traces must be specified for time-based deletion
         The maximum timestamp in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch for deleting traces.
        optional int64 max_timestamp_millis = 2;
        The maxTimestampMillis.
      • hasMaxTraces

        boolean hasMaxTraces()
         The maximum number of traces to delete.
        optional int32 max_traces = 3;
        Whether the maxTraces field is set.
      • getMaxTraces

        int getMaxTraces()
         The maximum number of traces to delete.
        optional int32 max_traces = 3;
        The maxTraces.
      • getRequestIdsList

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getRequestIdsList()
         Case 2: request_ids must be specified for ID-based deletion
         A set of request IDs to delete
        repeated string request_ids = 4;
        A list containing the requestIds.
      • getRequestIdsCount

        int getRequestIdsCount()
         Case 2: request_ids must be specified for ID-based deletion
         A set of request IDs to delete
        repeated string request_ids = 4;
        The count of requestIds.
      • getRequestIds

        java.lang.String getRequestIds​(int index)
         Case 2: request_ids must be specified for ID-based deletion
         A set of request IDs to delete
        repeated string request_ids = 4;
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The requestIds at the given index.
      • getRequestIdsBytes getRequestIdsBytes​(int index)
         Case 2: request_ids must be specified for ID-based deletion
         A set of request IDs to delete
        repeated string request_ids = 4;
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The bytes of the requestIds at the given index.