Interface Service.GetMetricHistoryOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Service.GetMetricHistory, Service.GetMetricHistory.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Service.GetMetricHistoryOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getMaxResults()
      Maximum number of logged instances of a metric for a run to return per call.
      java.lang.String getMetricKey()
      Name of the metric. getMetricKeyBytes()
      Name of the metric.
      java.lang.String getPageToken()
      Token indicating the page of metric history to fetch getPageTokenBytes()
      Token indicating the page of metric history to fetch
      java.lang.String getRunId()
      ID of the run from which to fetch metric values. getRunIdBytes()
      ID of the run from which to fetch metric values.
      java.lang.String getRunUuid()
      [Deprecated, use run_id instead] ID of the run from which to fetch metric values. getRunUuidBytes()
      [Deprecated, use run_id instead] ID of the run from which to fetch metric values.
      boolean hasMaxResults()
      Maximum number of logged instances of a metric for a run to return per call.
      boolean hasMetricKey()
      Name of the metric.
      boolean hasPageToken()
      Token indicating the page of metric history to fetch
      boolean hasRunId()
      ID of the run from which to fetch metric values.
      boolean hasRunUuid()
      [Deprecated, use run_id instead] ID of the run from which to fetch metric values.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasRunId

        boolean hasRunId()
         ID of the run from which to fetch metric values. Must be provided.
        optional string run_id = 3;
        Whether the runId field is set.
      • getRunId

        java.lang.String getRunId()
         ID of the run from which to fetch metric values. Must be provided.
        optional string run_id = 3;
        The runId.
      • getRunIdBytes getRunIdBytes()
         ID of the run from which to fetch metric values. Must be provided.
        optional string run_id = 3;
        The bytes for runId.
      • hasRunUuid

        boolean hasRunUuid()
         [Deprecated, use run_id instead] ID of the run from which to fetch metric values. This field
         will be removed in a future MLflow version.
        optional string run_uuid = 1;
        Whether the runUuid field is set.
      • getRunUuid

        java.lang.String getRunUuid()
         [Deprecated, use run_id instead] ID of the run from which to fetch metric values. This field
         will be removed in a future MLflow version.
        optional string run_uuid = 1;
        The runUuid.
      • getRunUuidBytes getRunUuidBytes()
         [Deprecated, use run_id instead] ID of the run from which to fetch metric values. This field
         will be removed in a future MLflow version.
        optional string run_uuid = 1;
        The bytes for runUuid.
      • hasMetricKey

        boolean hasMetricKey()
         Name of the metric.
        optional string metric_key = 2 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        Whether the metricKey field is set.
      • getMetricKey

        java.lang.String getMetricKey()
         Name of the metric.
        optional string metric_key = 2 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The metricKey.
      • getMetricKeyBytes getMetricKeyBytes()
         Name of the metric.
        optional string metric_key = 2 [(.mlflow.validate_required) = true];
        The bytes for metricKey.
      • hasPageToken

        boolean hasPageToken()
         Token indicating the page of metric history to fetch
        optional string page_token = 4;
        Whether the pageToken field is set.
      • getPageToken

        java.lang.String getPageToken()
         Token indicating the page of metric history to fetch
        optional string page_token = 4;
        The pageToken.
      • getPageTokenBytes getPageTokenBytes()
         Token indicating the page of metric history to fetch
        optional string page_token = 4;
        The bytes for pageToken.
      • hasMaxResults

        boolean hasMaxResults()
         Maximum number of logged instances of a metric for a run to return per call.
         Backend servers may restrict the value of `max_results` depending on performance requirements.
         Requests that do not specify this value will behave as non-paginated queries where all
         metric history values for a given metric within a run are returned in a single response.
        optional int32 max_results = 5;
        Whether the maxResults field is set.
      • getMaxResults

        int getMaxResults()
         Maximum number of logged instances of a metric for a run to return per call.
         Backend servers may restrict the value of `max_results` depending on performance requirements.
         Requests that do not specify this value will behave as non-paginated queries where all
         metric history values for a given metric within a run are returned in a single response.
        optional int32 max_results = 5;
        The maxResults.