Interface MlflowHostCreds

All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicMlflowHostCreds, DatabricksMlflowHostCreds

public interface MlflowHostCreds
Provides a hostname and optional authentication for talking to an MLflow server.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Hostname (e.g., http://localhost:5000) to MLflow server.
    Password to use with Basic authentication when talking to server.
    Token to use with Bearer authentication when talking to server.
    Username to use with Basic authentication when talking to server.
    If true, we will not verify the server's hostname or TLS certificate.
  • Method Details

    • getHost

      String getHost()
      Hostname (e.g., http://localhost:5000) to MLflow server.
    • getUsername

      String getUsername()
      Username to use with Basic authentication when talking to server. If this is specified, password must also be specified.
    • getPassword

      String getPassword()
      Password to use with Basic authentication when talking to server. If this is specified, username must also be specified.
    • getToken

      String getToken()
      Token to use with Bearer authentication when talking to server. If provided, user/password authentication will be ignored.
    • shouldIgnoreTlsVerification

      boolean shouldIgnoreTlsVerification()
      If true, we will not verify the server's hostname or TLS certificate. This is useful for certain testing situations, but should never be true in production.