Source code for

import json
import logging
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

from import Dataset
from import compute_pandas_digest
from import EvaluationDataset
from import HuggingFaceDatasetSource
from import PyFuncConvertibleDatasetMixin, PyFuncInputsOutputs
from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
from mlflow.protos.databricks_pb2 import INTERNAL_ERROR, INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE
from mlflow.types import Schema
from mlflow.types.utils import _infer_schema

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


    import datasets

[docs]class HuggingFaceDataset(Dataset, PyFuncConvertibleDatasetMixin): """ Represents a HuggingFace dataset for use with MLflow Tracking. """ def __init__( self, ds: "datasets.Dataset", source: HuggingFaceDatasetSource, targets: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, digest: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Args: ds: A Hugging Face dataset. Must be an instance of `datasets.Dataset`. Other types, such as :py:class:`datasets.DatasetDict`, are not supported. source: The source of the Hugging Face dataset. name: The name of the dataset. E.g. "wiki_train". If unspecified, a name is automatically generated. digest: The digest (hash, fingerprint) of the dataset. If unspecified, a digest is automatically computed. """ if targets is not None and targets not in ds.column_names: raise MlflowException( f"The specified Hugging Face dataset does not contain the specified targets column" f" '{targets}'.", INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, ) self._ds = ds self._targets = targets super().__init__(source=source, name=name, digest=digest) def _compute_digest(self) -> str: """ Computes a digest for the dataset. Called if the user doesn't supply a digest when constructing the dataset. """ df = next( self._ds.to_pandas( batch_size=_MAX_ROWS_FOR_DIGEST_COMPUTATION_AND_SCHEMA_INFERENCE, batched=True ) ) return compute_pandas_digest(df)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Create config dictionary for the dataset. Returns a string dictionary containing the following fields: name, digest, source, source type, schema, and profile. """ schema = json.dumps({"mlflow_colspec": self.schema.to_dict()}) if self.schema else None config = super().to_dict() config.update( { "schema": schema, "profile": json.dumps(self.profile), } ) return config
@property def ds(self) -> "datasets.Dataset": """The Hugging Face ``datasets.Dataset`` instance. Returns: The Hugging Face ``datasets.Dataset`` instance. """ return self._ds @property def targets(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The name of the Hugging Face dataset column containing targets (labels) for supervised learning. Returns: The string name of the Hugging Face dataset column containing targets. """ return self._targets @property def source(self) -> HuggingFaceDatasetSource: """Hugging Face dataset source information. Returns: A :py:class:`` """ return self._source @property def profile(self) -> Optional[Any]: """ Summary statistics for the Hugging Face dataset, including the number of rows, size, and size in bytes. """ return { "num_rows": self._ds.num_rows, "dataset_size": self._ds.dataset_size, "size_in_bytes": self._ds.size_in_bytes, } @cached_property def schema(self) -> Optional[Schema]: """ The MLflow ColSpec schema of the Hugging Face dataset. """ try: df = next( self._ds.to_pandas( batch_size=_MAX_ROWS_FOR_DIGEST_COMPUTATION_AND_SCHEMA_INFERENCE, batched=True ) ) return _infer_schema(df) except Exception as e: _logger.warning("Failed to infer schema for Hugging Face dataset. Exception: %s", e) return None def to_pyfunc(self) -> PyFuncInputsOutputs: df = self._ds.to_pandas() if self._targets is not None: if self._targets not in df.columns: raise MlflowException( f"Failed to convert Hugging Face dataset to pyfunc inputs and outputs because" f" the pandas representation of the Hugging Face dataset does not contain the" f" specified targets column '{self._targets}'.", # This is an internal error because we should have validated the presence of # the target column in the Hugging Face dataset at construction time INTERNAL_ERROR, ) inputs = df.drop(columns=self._targets) outputs = df[self._targets] return PyFuncInputsOutputs(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) else: return PyFuncInputsOutputs(inputs=df, outputs=None)
[docs] def to_evaluation_dataset(self, path=None, feature_names=None) -> EvaluationDataset: """ Converts the dataset to an EvaluationDataset for model evaluation. Required for use with mlflow.evaluate(). """ return EvaluationDataset( data=self._ds.to_pandas(), targets=self._targets, path=path, feature_names=feature_names, )
[docs]def from_huggingface( ds, path: Optional[str] = None, targets: Optional[str] = None, data_dir: Optional[str] = None, data_files: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str], Mapping[str, Union[str, Sequence[str]]]]] = None, revision=None, name: Optional[str] = None, digest: Optional[str] = None, trust_remote_code: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> HuggingFaceDataset: """ Create a `` from a Hugging Face dataset. Args: ds: A Hugging Face dataset. Must be an instance of `datasets.Dataset`. Other types, such as `datasets.DatasetDict`, are not supported. path: The path of the Hugging Face dataset used to construct the source. This is the same argument as `path` in `datasets.load_dataset()` function. To be able to reload the dataset via MLflow, `path` must match the path of the dataset on the hub, e.g., "databricks/databricks-dolly-15k". If no path is specified, a `CodeDatasetSource` is, used which will source information from the run context. targets: The name of the Hugging Face `dataset.Dataset` column containing targets (labels) for supervised learning. data_dir: The `data_dir` of the Hugging Face dataset configuration. This is used by the `datasets.load_dataset()` function to reload the dataset upon request via :py:func:`HuggingFaceDataset.source.load() <>`. data_files: Paths to source data file(s) for the Hugging Face dataset configuration. This is used by the `datasets.load_dataset()` function to reload the dataset upon request via :py:func:`HuggingFaceDataset.source.load() <>`. revision: Version of the dataset script to load. This is used by the `datasets.load_dataset()` function to reload the dataset upon request via :py:func:`HuggingFaceDataset.source.load() <>`. name: The name of the dataset. E.g. "wiki_train". If unspecified, a name is automatically generated. digest: The digest (hash, fingerprint) of the dataset. If unspecified, a digest is automatically computed. trust_remote_code: Whether to trust remote code from the dataset repo. """ import datasets from import CodeDatasetSource from mlflow.tracking.context import registry if not isinstance(ds, datasets.Dataset): raise MlflowException( f"The specified Hugging Face dataset must be an instance of `datasets.Dataset`." f" Instead, found an instance of: {type(ds)}", INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, ) # Set the source to a `HuggingFaceDatasetSource` if a path is specified, otherwise set it to a # `CodeDatasetSource`. if path is not None: source = HuggingFaceDatasetSource( path=path, config_name=ds.config_name, data_dir=data_dir, data_files=data_files, split=ds.split, revision=revision, trust_remote_code=trust_remote_code, ) else: context_tags = registry.resolve_tags() source = CodeDatasetSource(tags=context_tags) return HuggingFaceDataset(ds=ds, targets=targets, source=source, name=name, digest=digest)