Source code for mlflow.deployments.base

This module contains the base interface implemented by MLflow model deployment plugins.
In particular, a valid deployment plugin module must implement:

1. Exactly one client class subclassed from :py:class:`BaseDeploymentClient`, exposing the primary
   user-facing APIs used to manage deployments.
2. :py:func:`run_local`, for testing deployment by deploying a model locally
3. :py:func:`target_help`, which returns a help message describing target-specific URI format
   and deployment config

import abc

from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
from mlflow.utils.annotations import developer_stable

def run_local(target, name, model_uri, flavor=None, config=None):
    """Deploys the specified model locally, for testing. This function should be defined
    within the plugin module. Also note that this function has a signature which is very
    similar to :py:meth:`BaseDeploymentClient.create_deployment` since both does logically
    similar operation.

    .. Note::
        This function is kept here only for documentation purpose and not implementing the
        actual feature. It should be implemented in the plugin's top level namescope and should
        be callable with ``plugin_module.run_local``

        target: Which target to use. This information is used to call the appropriate plugin.
        name: Unique name to use for deployment. If another deployment exists with the same
            name, create_deployment will raise a
        model_uri: URI of model to deploy.
        flavor: (optional) Model flavor to deploy. If unspecified, default flavor is chosen.
        config: (optional) Dict containing updated target-specific config for the deployment.

    raise NotImplementedError(
        "This function should be implemented in the deployment plugin. It is "
        "kept here only for documentation purpose and shouldn't be used in "
        "your application"

def target_help():
    .. Note::
        This function is kept here only for documentation purpose and not implementing the
        actual feature. It should be implemented in the plugin's top level namescope and should
        be callable with ``plugin_module.target_help``

    Return a string containing detailed documentation on the current deployment target, to be
    displayed when users invoke the ``mlflow deployments help -t <target-name>`` CLI. This
    method should be defined within the module specified by the plugin author.
    The string should contain:

    * An explanation of target-specific fields in the ``config`` passed to ``create_deployment``,
    * How to specify a ``target_uri`` (e.g. for AWS SageMaker, ``target_uri`` have a scheme of
      "sagemaker:/<aws-cli-profile-name>", where aws-cli-profile-name is the name of an AWS
      CLI profile
    * Any other target-specific details.

    raise NotImplementedError(
        "This function should be implemented in the deployment plugin. It is "
        "kept here only for documentation purpose and shouldn't be used in "
        "your application"

[docs]@developer_stable class BaseDeploymentClient(abc.ABC): """ Base class exposing Python model deployment APIs. Plugin implementors should define target-specific deployment logic via a subclass of ``BaseDeploymentClient`` within the plugin module, and customize method docstrings with target-specific information. .. Note:: Subclasses should raise :py:class:`mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException` in error cases (e.g. on failure to deploy a model). """ def __init__(self, target_uri): self.target_uri = target_uri
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def create_deployment(self, name, model_uri, flavor=None, config=None, endpoint=None): """ Deploy a model to the specified target. By default, this method should block until deployment completes (i.e. until it's possible to perform inference with the deployment). In the case of conflicts (e.g. if it's not possible to create the specified deployment without due to conflict with an existing deployment), raises a :py:class:`mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException` or an `HTTPError` for remote deployments. See target-specific plugin documentation for additional detail on support for asynchronous deployment and other configuration. Args: name: Unique name to use for deployment. If another deployment exists with the same name, raises a :py:class:`mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException` model_uri: URI of model to deploy flavor: (optional) Model flavor to deploy. If unspecified, a default flavor will be chosen. config: (optional) Dict containing updated target-specific configuration for the deployment endpoint: (optional) Endpoint to create the deployment under. May not be supported by all targets Returns: Dict corresponding to created deployment, which must contain the 'name' key. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update_deployment(self, name, model_uri=None, flavor=None, config=None, endpoint=None): """ Update the deployment with the specified name. You can update the URI of the model, the flavor of the deployed model (in which case the model URI must also be specified), and/or any target-specific attributes of the deployment (via `config`). By default, this method should block until deployment completes (i.e. until it's possible to perform inference with the updated deployment). See target-specific plugin documentation for additional detail on support for asynchronous deployment and other configuration. Args: name: Unique name of deployment to update. model_uri: URI of a new model to deploy. flavor: (optional) new model flavor to use for deployment. If provided, ``model_uri`` must also be specified. If ``flavor`` is unspecified but ``model_uri`` is specified, a default flavor will be chosen and the deployment will be updated using that flavor. config: (optional) dict containing updated target-specific configuration for the deployment. endpoint: (optional) Endpoint containing the deployment to update. May not be supported by all targets. Returns: None """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_deployment(self, name, config=None, endpoint=None): """Delete the deployment with name ``name`` from the specified target. Deletion should be idempotent (i.e. deletion should not fail if retried on a non-existent deployment). Args: name: Name of deployment to delete config: (optional) dict containing updated target-specific configuration for the deployment endpoint: (optional) Endpoint containing the deployment to delete. May not be supported by all targets Returns: None """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def list_deployments(self, endpoint=None): """List deployments. This method is expected to return an unpaginated list of all deployments (an alternative would be to return a dict with a 'deployments' field containing the actual deployments, with plugins able to specify other fields, e.g. a next_page_token field, in the returned dictionary for pagination, and to accept a `pagination_args` argument to this method for passing pagination-related args). Args: endpoint: (optional) List deployments in the specified endpoint. May not be supported by all targets Returns: A list of dicts corresponding to deployments. Each dict is guaranteed to contain a 'name' key containing the deployment name. The other fields of the returned dictionary and their types may vary across deployment targets. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_deployment(self, name, endpoint=None): """ Returns a dictionary describing the specified deployment, throwing either a :py:class:`mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException` or an `HTTPError` for remote deployments if no deployment exists with the provided ID. The dict is guaranteed to contain an 'name' key containing the deployment name. The other fields of the returned dictionary and their types may vary across deployment targets. Args: name: ID of deployment to fetch. endpoint: (optional) Endpoint containing the deployment to get. May not be supported by all targets. Returns: A dict corresponding to the retrieved deployment. The dict is guaranteed to contain a 'name' key corresponding to the deployment name. The other fields of the returned dictionary and their types may vary across targets. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def predict(self, deployment_name=None, inputs=None, endpoint=None): """Compute predictions on inputs using the specified deployment or model endpoint. Note that the input/output types of this method match those of `mlflow pyfunc predict`. Args: deployment_name: Name of deployment to predict against. inputs: Input data (or arguments) to pass to the deployment or model endpoint for inference. endpoint: Endpoint to predict against. May not be supported by all targets. Returns: A :py:class:`mlflow.deployments.PredictionsResponse` instance representing the predictions and associated Model Server response metadata. """
[docs] def predict_stream(self, deployment_name=None, inputs=None, endpoint=None): """ Submit a query to a configured provider endpoint, and get streaming response Args: deployment_name: Name of deployment to predict against. inputs: The inputs to the query, as a dictionary. endpoint: The name of the endpoint to query. Returns: An iterator of dictionary containing the response from the endpoint. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def explain(self, deployment_name=None, df=None, endpoint=None): """ Generate explanations of model predictions on the specified input pandas Dataframe ``df`` for the deployed model. Explanation output formats vary by deployment target, and can include details like feature importance for understanding/debugging predictions. Args: deployment_name: Name of deployment to predict against df: Pandas DataFrame to use for explaining feature importance in model prediction endpoint: Endpoint to predict against. May not be supported by all targets Returns: A JSON-able object (pandas dataframe, numpy array, dictionary), or an exception if the implementation is not available in deployment target's class """ raise MlflowException( "Computing model explanations is not yet supported for this deployment target" )
[docs] def create_endpoint(self, name, config=None): """ Create an endpoint with the specified target. By default, this method should block until creation completes (i.e. until it's possible to create a deployment within the endpoint). In the case of conflicts (e.g. if it's not possible to create the specified endpoint due to conflict with an existing endpoint), raises a :py:class:`mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException` or an `HTTPError` for remote deployments. See target-specific plugin documentation for additional detail on support for asynchronous creation and other configuration. Args: name: Unique name to use for endpoint. If another endpoint exists with the same name, raises a :py:class:`mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException`. config: (optional) Dict containing target-specific configuration for the endpoint. Returns: Dict corresponding to created endpoint, which must contain the 'name' key. """ raise MlflowException( "Method is unimplemented in base client. Implementation should be " "provided by specific target plugins." )
[docs] def update_endpoint(self, endpoint, config=None): """ Update the endpoint with the specified name. You can update any target-specific attributes of the endpoint (via `config`). By default, this method should block until the update completes (i.e. until it's possible to create a deployment within the endpoint). See target-specific plugin documentation for additional detail on support for asynchronous update and other configuration. Args: endpoint: Unique name of endpoint to update config: (optional) dict containing target-specific configuration for the endpoint Returns: None """ raise MlflowException( "Method is unimplemented in base client. Implementation should be " "provided by specific target plugins." )
[docs] def delete_endpoint(self, endpoint): """ Delete the endpoint from the specified target. Deletion should be idempotent (i.e. deletion should not fail if retried on a non-existent deployment). Args: endpoint: Name of endpoint to delete Returns: None """ raise MlflowException( "Method is unimplemented in base client. Implementation should be " "provided by specific target plugins." )
[docs] def list_endpoints(self): """ List endpoints in the specified target. This method is expected to return an unpaginated list of all endpoints (an alternative would be to return a dict with an 'endpoints' field containing the actual endpoints, with plugins able to specify other fields, e.g. a next_page_token field, in the returned dictionary for pagination, and to accept a `pagination_args` argument to this method for passing pagination-related args). Returns: A list of dicts corresponding to endpoints. Each dict is guaranteed to contain a 'name' key containing the endpoint name. The other fields of the returned dictionary and their types may vary across targets. """ raise MlflowException( "Method is unimplemented in base client. Implementation should be " "provided by specific target plugins." )
[docs] def get_endpoint(self, endpoint): """ Returns a dictionary describing the specified endpoint, throwing a py:class:`mlflow.exception.MlflowException` or an `HTTPError` for remote deployments if no endpoint exists with the provided name. The dict is guaranteed to contain an 'name' key containing the endpoint name. The other fields of the returned dictionary and their types may vary across targets. Args: endpoint: Name of endpoint to fetch Returns: A dict corresponding to the retrieved endpoint. The dict is guaranteed to contain a 'name' key corresponding to the endpoint name. The other fields of the returned dictionary and their types may vary across targets. """ raise MlflowException( "Method is unimplemented in base client. Implementation should be " "provided by specific target plugins." )