Source code for mlflow.deployments.mlflow

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional

import requests

from mlflow import MlflowException
from mlflow.deployments import BaseDeploymentClient
from mlflow.deployments.constants import (
from mlflow.deployments.server.constants import (
from mlflow.deployments.utils import resolve_endpoint_url
from mlflow.environment_variables import (
from mlflow.protos.databricks_pb2 import BAD_REQUEST
from import PagedList
from mlflow.utils.annotations import experimental
from mlflow.utils.credentials import get_default_host_creds
from mlflow.utils.rest_utils import augmented_raise_for_status, http_request
from mlflow.utils.uri import join_paths

    from mlflow.deployments.server.config import Endpoint

[docs]@experimental class MlflowDeploymentClient(BaseDeploymentClient): """ Client for interacting with the MLflow Deployments Server. Example: First, start the MLflow Deployments Server: .. code-block:: bash mlflow deployments start-server --config-path path/to/config.yaml Then, create a client and use it to interact with the server: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.deployments import get_deploy_client client = get_deploy_client("http://localhost:5000") endpoints = client.list_endpoints() assert [e.dict() for e in endpoints] == [ { "name": "chat", "endpoint_type": "llm/v1/chat", "model": {"name": "gpt-4o-mini", "provider": "openai"}, "endpoint_url": "http://localhost:5000/gateway/chat/invocations", }, ] """
[docs] def create_deployment(self, name, model_uri, flavor=None, config=None, endpoint=None): """ .. warning:: This method is not implemented for `MlflowDeploymentClient`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update_deployment(self, name, model_uri=None, flavor=None, config=None, endpoint=None): """ .. warning:: This method is not implemented for `MlflowDeploymentClient`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete_deployment(self, name, config=None, endpoint=None): """ .. warning:: This method is not implemented for `MlflowDeploymentClient`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def list_deployments(self, endpoint=None): """ .. warning:: This method is not implemented for `MlflowDeploymentClient`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_deployment(self, name, endpoint=None): """ .. warning:: This method is not implemented for `MLflowDeploymentClient`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def create_endpoint(self, name, config=None): """ .. warning:: This method is not implemented for `MlflowDeploymentClient`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update_endpoint(self, endpoint, config=None): """ .. warning:: This method is not implemented for `MlflowDeploymentClient`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete_endpoint(self, endpoint): """ .. warning:: This method is not implemented for `MlflowDeploymentClient`. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _call_endpoint( self, method: str, route: str, json_body: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, ): call_kwargs = {} if method.lower() == "get": call_kwargs["params"] = json_body else: call_kwargs["json"] = json_body response = http_request( host_creds=get_default_host_creds(self.target_uri), endpoint=route, method=method, timeout=MLFLOW_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT.get() if timeout is None else timeout, retry_codes=MLFLOW_DEPLOYMENT_CLIENT_REQUEST_RETRY_CODES, raise_on_status=False, **call_kwargs, ) augmented_raise_for_status(response) return response.json()
[docs] @experimental def get_endpoint(self, endpoint) -> "Endpoint": """ Gets a specified endpoint configured for the MLflow Deployments Server. Args: endpoint: The name of the endpoint to retrieve. Returns: An `Endpoint` object representing the endpoint. Example: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.deployments import get_deploy_client client = get_deploy_client("http://localhost:5000") endpoint = client.get_endpoint(endpoint="chat") assert endpoint.dict() == { "name": "chat", "endpoint_type": "llm/v1/chat", "model": {"name": "gpt-4o-mini", "provider": "openai"}, "endpoint_url": "http://localhost:5000/gateway/chat/invocations", } """ # Delayed import to avoid importing mlflow.gateway in the module scope from mlflow.deployments.server.config import Endpoint route = join_paths(MLFLOW_DEPLOYMENTS_CRUD_ENDPOINT_BASE, endpoint) response = self._call_endpoint("GET", route) return Endpoint( **{ **response, "endpoint_url": resolve_endpoint_url(self.target_uri, response["endpoint_url"]), } )
def _list_endpoints(self, page_token=None) -> "PagedList[Endpoint]": # Delayed import to avoid importing mlflow.gateway in the module scope from mlflow.deployments.server.config import Endpoint params = None if page_token is None else {"page_token": page_token} response_json = self._call_endpoint( "GET", MLFLOW_DEPLOYMENTS_CRUD_ENDPOINT_BASE, json_body=params ) routes = [ Endpoint( **{ **resp, "endpoint_url": resolve_endpoint_url( self.target_uri, resp["endpoint_url"], ), } ) for resp in response_json.get("endpoints", []) ] next_page_token = response_json.get("next_page_token") return PagedList(routes, next_page_token)
[docs] @experimental def list_endpoints(self) -> "List[Endpoint]": """ List endpoints configured for the MLflow Deployments Server. Returns: A list of ``Endpoint`` objects. Example: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.deployments import get_deploy_client client = get_deploy_client("http://localhost:5000") endpoints = client.list_endpoints() assert [e.dict() for e in endpoints] == [ { "name": "chat", "endpoint_type": "llm/v1/chat", "model": {"name": "gpt-4o-mini", "provider": "openai"}, "endpoint_url": "http://localhost:5000/gateway/chat/invocations", }, ] """ endpoints = [] next_page_token = None while True: page = self._list_endpoints(next_page_token) endpoints.extend(page) next_page_token = page.token if next_page_token is None: break return endpoints
[docs] @experimental def predict(self, deployment_name=None, inputs=None, endpoint=None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Submit a query to a configured provider endpoint. Args: deployment_name: Unused. inputs: The inputs to the query, as a dictionary. endpoint: The name of the endpoint to query. Returns: A dictionary containing the response from the endpoint. Example: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.deployments import get_deploy_client client = get_deploy_client("http://localhost:5000") response = client.predict( endpoint="chat", inputs={"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "Hello"}]}, ) assert response == { "id": "chatcmpl-8OLoQuaeJSLybq3NBoe0w5eyqjGb9", "object": "chat.completion", "created": 1700814410, "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "choices": [ { "index": 0, "message": { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hello! How can I assist you today?", }, "finish_reason": "stop", } ], "usage": { "prompt_tokens": 9, "completion_tokens": 9, "total_tokens": 18, }, } Additional parameters that are valid for a given provider and endpoint configuration can be included with the request as shown below, using an openai completions endpoint request as an example: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.deployments import get_deploy_client client = get_deploy_client("http://localhost:5000") client.predict( endpoint="completions", inputs={ "prompt": "Hello!", "temperature": 0.3, "max_tokens": 500, }, ) """ query_route = join_paths( MLFLOW_DEPLOYMENTS_ENDPOINTS_BASE, endpoint, MLFLOW_DEPLOYMENTS_QUERY_SUFFIX ) try: return self._call_endpoint( "POST", query_route, inputs, MLFLOW_DEPLOYMENT_PREDICT_TIMEOUT.get() ) except MlflowException as e: if isinstance(e.__cause__, requests.exceptions.Timeout): raise MlflowException( message=( "The provider has timed out while generating a response to your " "query. Please evaluate the available parameters for the query " "that you are submitting. Some parameter values and inputs can " "increase the computation time beyond the allowable route " f"timeout of {MLFLOW_DEPLOYMENT_PREDICT_TIMEOUT} " "seconds." ), error_code=BAD_REQUEST, ) raise e
def run_local(name, model_uri, flavor=None, config=None): pass def target_help(): pass