Source code for mlflow.entities.span

import json
import logging
from dataclasses import asdict
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import Event as OTelEvent
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import ReadableSpan as OTelReadableSpan
from opentelemetry.trace import NonRecordingSpan
from opentelemetry.trace import Span as OTelSpan

from mlflow.entities.span_event import SpanEvent
from mlflow.entities.span_status import SpanStatus, SpanStatusCode
from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
from mlflow.protos.databricks_pb2 import INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE
from mlflow.tracing.constant import SpanAttributeKey
from mlflow.tracing.utils import (

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Not using enum as we want to allow custom span type string.
def create_mlflow_span( otel_span: Any, request_id: str, span_type: Optional[str] = None ) -> Union["Span", "LiveSpan", "NoOpSpan"]: """ Factory function to create a span object. When creating a MLflow span object from the OpenTelemetry span, the factory function should always be used to ensure the correct span object is created. """ if not otel_span or isinstance(otel_span, NonRecordingSpan): return NoOpSpan() if isinstance(otel_span, OTelSpan): return LiveSpan(otel_span, request_id, span_type) if isinstance(otel_span, OTelReadableSpan): return Span(otel_span) raise MlflowException( "The `otel_span` argument must be an instance of one of valid " f"OpenTelemetry span classes, but got {type(otel_span)}.", INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, )
[docs]class Span: """ A span object. A span represents a unit of work or operation and is the building block of Traces. This Span class represents immutable span data that is already finished and persisted. The "live" span that is being created and updated during the application runtime is represented by the :py:class:`LiveSpan <mlflow.entities.LiveSpan>` subclass. """ def __init__(self, otel_span: OTelReadableSpan): if not isinstance(otel_span, OTelReadableSpan): raise MlflowException( "The `otel_span` argument for the Span class must be an instance of ReadableSpan, " f"but got {type(otel_span)}.", INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, ) self._span = otel_span # Since the span is immutable, we can cache the attributes to avoid the redundant # deserialization of the attribute values. self._attributes = _CachedSpanAttributesRegistry(otel_span) @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def request_id(self) -> str: """ The request ID of the span, a unique identifier for the trace it belongs to. Request ID is equivalent to the trace ID in OpenTelemetry, but generated differently by the tracing backend. """ return self.get_attribute(SpanAttributeKey.REQUEST_ID) @property def span_id(self) -> str: """The ID of the span. This is only unique within a trace.""" return encode_span_id(self._span.context.span_id) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the span.""" return @property def start_time_ns(self) -> int: """The start time of the span in nanosecond.""" return self._span._start_time @property def end_time_ns(self) -> Optional[int]: """The end time of the span in nanosecond.""" return self._span._end_time @property def parent_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """The span ID of the parent span.""" if self._span.parent is None: return None return encode_span_id(self._span.parent.span_id) @property def status(self) -> SpanStatus: """The status of the span.""" return SpanStatus.from_otel_status(self._span.status) @property def inputs(self) -> Any: """The input values of the span.""" return self.get_attribute(SpanAttributeKey.INPUTS) @property def outputs(self) -> Any: """The output values of the span.""" return self.get_attribute(SpanAttributeKey.OUTPUTS) @property def span_type(self) -> str: """The type of the span.""" return self.get_attribute(SpanAttributeKey.SPAN_TYPE) @property def _trace_id(self) -> str: """ The OpenTelemetry trace ID of the span. Note that this should not be exposed to the user, instead, use request_id as an unique identifier for a trace. """ return encode_trace_id(self._span.context.trace_id) @property def attributes(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get all attributes of the span. Returns: A dictionary of all attributes of the span. """ return self._attributes.get_all() @property def events(self) -> List[SpanEvent]: """ Get all events of the span. Returns: A list of all events of the span. """ return [ SpanEvent(, timestamp=event.timestamp, # Convert from OpenTelemetry's BoundedAttributes class to a simple dict # to avoid the serialization issue due to having a lock object. attributes=dict(event.attributes), ) for event in ] def __repr__(self): return ( f"{type(self).__name__}(name={!r}, request_id={self.request_id!r}, " f"span_id={self.span_id!r}, parent_id={self.parent_id!r})" )
[docs] def get_attribute(self, key: str) -> Optional[Any]: """ Get a single attribute value from the span. Args: key: The key of the attribute to get. Returns: The value of the attribute if it exists, otherwise None. """ return self._attributes.get(key)
[docs] def to_dict(self): # NB: OpenTelemetry Span has to_json() method, but it will write many fields that # we don't use e.g. links, kind, resource, trace_state, etc. So we manually # cherry-pick the fields we need here. return { "name":, "context": { "span_id": self.span_id, "trace_id": self._trace_id, }, "parent_id": self.parent_id, "start_time": self.start_time_ns, "end_time": self.end_time_ns, "status_code": self.status.status_code.value, "status_message": self.status.description, "attributes": dict(self._span.attributes), "events": [asdict(event) for event in], }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Span": """ Create a Span object from the given dictionary. """ try: request_id = data.get("attributes", {}).get(SpanAttributeKey.REQUEST_ID) if not request_id: raise MlflowException( f"The {SpanAttributeKey.REQUEST_ID} attribute is empty or missing.", INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, ) trace_id = decode_id(data["context"]["trace_id"]) span_id = decode_id(data["context"]["span_id"]) parent_id = decode_id(data["parent_id"]) if data["parent_id"] else None otel_span = OTelReadableSpan( name=data["name"], context=build_otel_context(trace_id, span_id), parent=build_otel_context(trace_id, parent_id) if parent_id else None, start_time=data["start_time"], end_time=data["end_time"], attributes=data["attributes"], status=SpanStatus(data["status_code"], data["status_message"]).to_otel_status(), events=[ OTelEvent( name=event["name"], timestamp=event["timestamp"], attributes=event["attributes"], ) for event in data["events"] ], ) return cls(otel_span) except Exception as e: raise MlflowException( "Failed to create a Span object from the given dictionary", INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, ) from e
[docs]class LiveSpan(Span): """ A "live" version of the :py:class:`Span <mlflow.entities.Span>` class. The live spans are those being created and updated during the application runtime. When users start a new span using the tracing APIs within their code, this live span object is returned to get and set the span attributes, status, events, and etc. """ def __init__( self, otel_span: OTelSpan, request_id: str, span_type: str = SpanType.UNKNOWN, ): """ The `otel_span` argument takes an instance of OpenTelemetry Span class, which is indeed a subclass of ReadableSpan. Thanks to this, the getter methods of the Span class can be reused without any modification. Note that the constructor doesn't call the super().__init__ method, because the Span initialization logic is a bit different from the immutable span. """ if not isinstance(otel_span, OTelReadableSpan): raise MlflowException( "The `otel_span` argument for the LiveSpan class must be an instance of " f"trace.Span, but got {type(otel_span)}.", INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, ) self._span = otel_span self._attributes = _SpanAttributesRegistry(otel_span) self._attributes.set(SpanAttributeKey.REQUEST_ID, request_id) self._attributes.set(SpanAttributeKey.SPAN_TYPE, span_type)
[docs] def set_inputs(self, inputs: Any): """Set the input values to the span.""" self.set_attribute(SpanAttributeKey.INPUTS, inputs)
[docs] def set_outputs(self, outputs: Any): """Set the output values to the span.""" self.set_attribute(SpanAttributeKey.OUTPUTS, outputs)
[docs] def set_attributes(self, attributes: Dict[str, Any]): """ Set the attributes to the span. The attributes must be a dictionary of key-value pairs. This method is additive, i.e. it will add new attributes to the existing ones. If an attribute with the same key already exists, it will be overwritten. """ if not isinstance(attributes, dict): _logger.warning( f"Attributes must be a dictionary, but got {type(attributes)}. Skipping." ) return for key, value in attributes.items(): self.set_attribute(key, value)
[docs] def set_attribute(self, key: str, value: Any): """Set a single attribute to the span.""" self._attributes.set(key, value)
[docs] def set_status(self, status: Union[SpanStatusCode, str]): """ Set the status of the span. Args: status: The status of the span. This can be a :py:class:`SpanStatus <mlflow.entities.SpanStatus>` object or a string representing of the status code defined in :py:class:`SpanStatusCode <mlflow.entities.SpanStatusCode>` e.g. ``"OK"``, ``"ERROR"``. """ if isinstance(status, str): status = SpanStatus(status) # NB: We need to set the OpenTelemetry native StatusCode, because span's set_status # method only accepts a StatusCode enum in their definition. # # Working around this is possible, but requires some hack to handle automatic status # propagation mechanism, so here we just use the native object that meets our # current requirements at least. Nevertheless, declaring the new class extending # the OpenTelemetry Status class so users code doesn't have to import the OTel's # StatusCode object, which makes future migration easier. self._span.set_status(status.to_otel_status())
[docs] def add_event(self, event: SpanEvent): """ Add an event to the span. Args: event: The event to add to the span. This should be a :py:class:`SpanEvent <mlflow.entities.SpanEvent>` object. """ self._span.add_event(, event.attributes, event.timestamp)
def end(self, end_time: Optional[int] = None): """ End the span. This is a thin wrapper around the OpenTelemetry's end method but just to handle the status update. This method should not be called directly by the user, only by called via fluent APIs context exit or by MlflowClient APIs. :meta private: """ # NB: In OpenTelemetry, status code remains UNSET if not explicitly set # by the user. However, there is not way to set the status when using # @mlflow.trace decorator. Therefore, we just automatically set the status # to OK if it is not ERROR. if self.status.status_code != SpanStatusCode.ERROR: self.set_status(SpanStatus(SpanStatusCode.OK)) self._span.end(end_time=end_time)
[docs] def from_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Span": raise NotImplementedError("The `from_dict` method is not supported for the LiveSpan class.")
def to_immutable_span(self) -> "Span": """ Downcast the live span object to the immutable span. :meta private: """ # All state of the live span is already persisted in the OpenTelemetry span object. return Span(self._span)
[docs]class NoOpSpan(Span): """ No-op implementation of the Span interface. This instance should be returned from the mlflow.start_span context manager when span creation fails. This class should have exactly the same interface as the Span so that user's setter calls do not raise runtime errors. E.g. .. code-block:: python with mlflow.start_span("span_name") as span: # Even if the span creation fails, the following calls should pass. span.set_inputs({"x": 1}) # Do something """ def __init__(self): self._span = NonRecordingSpan(context=None) self._attributes = {} @property def request_id(self): """ No-op span returns a special request ID to distinguish it from the real spans. """ return NO_OP_SPAN_REQUEST_ID @property def span_id(self): return None @property def name(self): return None @property def start_time_ns(self): return None @property def end_time_ns(self): return None @property def context(self): return None @property def parent_id(self): return None @property def status(self): return None @property def _trace_id(self): return None
[docs] def set_inputs(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]): pass
[docs] def set_outputs(self, outputs: Dict[str, Any]): pass
[docs] def set_attributes(self, attributes: Dict[str, Any]): pass
[docs] def set_attribute(self, key: str, value: Any): pass
[docs] def set_status(self, status: SpanStatus): pass
[docs] def add_event(self, event: SpanEvent): pass
[docs] def end(self): pass
class _SpanAttributesRegistry: """ A utility class to manage the span attributes. In MLflow users can add arbitrary key-value pairs to the span attributes, however, OpenTelemetry only allows a limited set of types to be stored in the attribute values. Therefore, we serialize all values into JSON string before storing them in the span. This class provides simple getter and setter methods to interact with the span attributes without worrying about the serde process. """ def __init__(self, otel_span: OTelSpan): self._span = otel_span def get_all(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {key: self.get(key) for key in self._span.attributes.keys()} def get(self, key: str): serialized_value = self._span.attributes.get(key) if serialized_value: try: return json.loads(serialized_value) except Exception as e: _logger.warning( f"Failed to get value for key {key}, make sure you set the attribute " f"on mlflow Span class instead of directly to the OpenTelemetry span. {e}" ) def set(self, key: str, value: Any): if not isinstance(key, str): _logger.warning(f"Attribute key must be a string, but got {type(key)}. Skipping.") return # NB: OpenTelemetry attribute can store not only string but also a few primitives like # int, float, bool, and list of them. However, we serialize all into JSON string here # for the simplicity in deserialization process. self._span.set_attribute(key, json.dumps(value, cls=TraceJSONEncoder, ensure_ascii=False)) class _CachedSpanAttributesRegistry(_SpanAttributesRegistry): """ A cache-enabled version of the SpanAttributesRegistry. The caching helps to avoid the redundant deserialization of the attribute, however, it does not handle the value change well. Therefore, this class should only be used for the persisted spans that are immutable, and thus implemented as a subclass of _SpanAttributesRegistry. """ @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def get(self, key: str): return super().get(key) def set(self, key: str, value: Any): raise MlflowException( "The attributes of the immutable span must not be updated.", INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE )