Source code for mlflow.entities.span_status

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum

from opentelemetry import trace as trace_api

from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
from mlflow.protos.databricks_pb2 import INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE

[docs]class SpanStatusCode(str, Enum): """Enum for status code of a span""" # Uses the same set of status codes as OpenTelemetry UNSET = "UNSET" OK = "OK" ERROR = "ERROR"
[docs]@dataclass class SpanStatus: """ Status of the span or the trace. Args: status_code: The status code of the span or the trace. This must be one of the values of the :py:class:`mlflow.entities.SpanStatusCode` enum or a string representation of it like "OK", "ERROR". description: Description of the status. This should be only set when the status is ERROR, otherwise it will be ignored. """ status_code: SpanStatusCode description: str = "" def __post_init__(self): """ If user provides a string status code, validate it and convert to the corresponding enum value. """ if isinstance(self.status_code, str): try: self.status_code = SpanStatusCode(self.status_code) except ValueError: raise MlflowException( f"{self.status_code} is not a valid SpanStatusCode value. " f"Please use one of {[status_code.value for status_code in SpanStatusCode]}", error_code=INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, ) def to_otel_status(self) -> trace_api.Status: """ Convert :py:class:`mlflow.entities.SpanStatus` object to OpenTelemetry status object. :meta private: """ try: status_code = getattr(trace_api.StatusCode, except AttributeError: raise MlflowException( f"Invalid status code: {self.status_code}", error_code=INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE ) return trace_api.Status(status_code, self.description) @classmethod def from_otel_status(cls, otel_status: trace_api.Status) -> SpanStatus: """ Convert OpenTelemetry status object to our status object. :meta private: """ try: status_code = SpanStatusCode( except ValueError: raise MlflowException( f"Got invalid status code from OpenTelemetry: {otel_status.status_code}", error_code=INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, ) return cls(status_code, otel_status.description or "")