Source code for mlflow.gateway.fluent

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from mlflow.gateway.client import MlflowGatewayClient
from mlflow.gateway.config import LimitsConfig, Route
from mlflow.gateway.constants import MLFLOW_GATEWAY_SEARCH_ROUTES_PAGE_SIZE
from mlflow.gateway.utils import gateway_deprecated
from mlflow.utils import get_results_from_paginated_fn

[docs]@gateway_deprecated def get_route(name: str) -> Route: """ Retrieves a specific route from the MLflow Gateway service. This function creates an instance of MlflowGatewayClient and uses it to fetch a route by its name from the Gateway service. Args: name: The name of the route to fetch. Returns: An instance of the Route class representing the fetched route. """ return MlflowGatewayClient().get_route(name)
[docs]@gateway_deprecated def search_routes() -> List[Route]: """ Searches for routes in the MLflow Gateway service. This function creates an instance of MlflowGatewayClient and uses it to fetch a list of routes from the Gateway service. Returns: A list of Route instances. """ def pagination_wrapper_func(_, next_page_token): return MlflowGatewayClient().search_routes(page_token=next_page_token) return get_results_from_paginated_fn( paginated_fn=pagination_wrapper_func, max_results_per_page=MLFLOW_GATEWAY_SEARCH_ROUTES_PAGE_SIZE, max_results=None, )
[docs]@gateway_deprecated def create_route( name: str, route_type: Optional[str] = None, model: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Route: """ Create a new route in the Gateway. .. warning:: This API is ``only available`` when running within Databricks. When running elsewhere, route configuration is handled via updates to the route configuration YAML file that is specified during Gateway server start. Args: name: The name of the route. This parameter is required for all routes. route_type: The type of the route (e.g., 'llm/v1/chat', 'llm/v1/completions', 'llm/v1/embeddings'). This parameter is required for routes that are not managed by Databricks (the provider isn't 'databricks'). model: A dictionary representing the model details to be associated with the route. This parameter is required for all routes. This dictionary should define: - The model name (e.g., "gpt-4o-mini") - The provider (e.g., "openai", "anthropic") - The configuration for the model used in the route Returns: A serialized representation of the `Route` data structure, providing information about the name, type, and model details for the newly created route endpoint. .. note:: See the official Databricks documentation for MLflow Gateway for examples of supported model configurations and how to dynamically create new routes within Databricks. Example usage from within Databricks: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.gateway import set_gateway_uri, create_route set_gateway_uri(gateway_uri="databricks") openai_api_key = ... create_route( name="my-route", route_type="llm/v1/completions", model={ "name": "question-answering-bot", "provider": "openai", "openai_config": { "openai_api_key": openai_api_key, }, }, ) """ return MlflowGatewayClient().create_route(name, route_type, model)
[docs]@gateway_deprecated def delete_route(name: str) -> None: """ Delete an existing route in the Gateway. .. warning:: This API is **only available** when running within Databricks. When running elsewhere, route deletion is handled by removing the corresponding entry from the route configuration YAML file that is specified during Gateway server start. Args: name: The name of the route to delete. Example usage from within Databricks: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.gateway import set_gateway_uri, delete_route set_gateway_uri(gateway_uri="databricks") delete_route("my-new-route") """ MlflowGatewayClient().delete_route(name)
[docs]@gateway_deprecated def set_limits(route: str, limits: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> LimitsConfig: """ Set limits on an existing route in the Gateway. .. warning:: This API is **only available** when running within Databricks. Args: route: The name of the route to set limits on. limits: Limits to set on the route. Example usage from within Databricks: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.gateway import set_gateway_uri, set_limits set_gateway_uri(gateway_uri="databricks") set_limits("my-new-route", [{"key": "user", "renewal_period": "minute", "calls": 50}]) """ return MlflowGatewayClient().set_limits(route=route, limits=limits)
[docs]@gateway_deprecated def get_limits(route: str) -> LimitsConfig: """ Get limits of an existing route in the Gateway. .. warning:: This API is **only available** when connected to a Databricks-hosted AI Gateway. Args: route: The name of the route to get limits of. Example usage from within Databricks: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.gateway import set_gateway_uri, get_limits set_gateway_uri(gateway_uri="databricks") get_limits("my-new-route") """ return MlflowGatewayClient().get_limits(route=route)
[docs]@gateway_deprecated def query(route: str, data): """ Issues a query request to a configured service through a named route on the Gateway Server. This function will interface with a configured route name (examples below) and return the response from the provider in a standardized format. Args: route: The name of the configured route. Route names can be obtained by running `mlflow.gateway.search_routes()` data: The request payload to be submitted to the route. The exact configuration of the expected structure varies based on the route configuration. Returns: The response from the configured route endpoint provider in a standardized format. Chat example: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.gateway import query, set_gateway_uri set_gateway_uri(gateway_uri="http://my.gateway:9000") response = query( "my_chat_route", {"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "What is the best day of the week?"}]}, ) Completions example: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.gateway import query, set_gateway_uri set_gateway_uri(gateway_uri="http://my.gateway:9000") response = query("a_completions_route", {"prompt": "Where do we go from"}) Embeddings example: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.gateway import query, set_gateway_uri set_gateway_uri(gateway_uri="http://my.gateway:9000") response = query( "embeddings_route", {"text": ["I like spaghetti", "and sushi", "but not together"]} ) Additional parameters that are valid for a given provider and route configuration can be included with the request as shown below, using an openai completions route request as an example: .. code-block:: python from mlflow.gateway import query, set_gateway_uri set_gateway_uri(gateway_uri="http://my.gateway:9000") response = query( "a_completions_route", { "prompt": "Give me an example of a properly formatted pytest unit test", "temperature": 0.6, "max_tokens": 1000, }, ) """ return MlflowGatewayClient().query(route, data)