Source code for mlflow.server

import importlib
import importlib.metadata
import os
import shlex
import sys
import textwrap
import types

from flask import Flask, Response, send_from_directory
from packaging.version import Version

from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
from mlflow.server import handlers
from mlflow.server.handlers import (
from mlflow.utils.os import is_windows
from mlflow.utils.plugins import get_entry_points
from mlflow.utils.process import _exec_cmd
from mlflow.version import VERSION

# NB: These are internal environment variables used for communication between
# the cli and the forked gunicorn processes.
PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_ENV_VAR = "prometheus_multiproc_dir"

REL_STATIC_DIR = "js/build"

app = Flask(__name__, static_folder=REL_STATIC_DIR)
IS_FLASK_V1 = Version(importlib.metadata.version("flask")) < Version("2.0")

for http_path, handler, methods in handlers.get_endpoints():
    app.add_url_rule(http_path, handler.__name__, handler, methods=methods)

    from mlflow.server.prometheus_exporter import activate_prometheus_exporter

    prometheus_metrics_path = os.getenv(PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_ENV_VAR)
    if not os.path.exists(prometheus_metrics_path):

# Provide a health check endpoint to ensure the application is responsive
def health():
    return "OK", 200

# Provide an endpoint to query the version of mlflow running on the server
def version():
    return VERSION, 200

# Serve the "get-artifact" route.
def serve_artifacts():
    return get_artifact_handler()

# Serve the "model-versions/get-artifact" route.
def serve_model_version_artifact():
    return get_model_version_artifact_handler()

# Serve the "metrics/get-history-bulk" route.
def serve_get_metric_history_bulk():
    return get_metric_history_bulk_handler()

# Serve the "metrics/get-history-bulk-interval" route.
def serve_get_metric_history_bulk_interval():
    return get_metric_history_bulk_interval_handler()

# Serve the "experiments/search-datasets" route.
@app.route(_add_static_prefix("/ajax-api/2.0/mlflow/experiments/search-datasets"), methods=["POST"])
def serve_search_datasets():
    return search_datasets_handler()

# Serve the "runs/create-promptlab-run" route.
@app.route(_add_static_prefix("/ajax-api/2.0/mlflow/runs/create-promptlab-run"), methods=["POST"])
def serve_create_promptlab_run():
    return create_promptlab_run_handler()

@app.route(_add_static_prefix("/ajax-api/2.0/mlflow/gateway-proxy"), methods=["POST", "GET"])
def serve_gateway_proxy():
    return gateway_proxy_handler()

@app.route(_add_static_prefix("/ajax-api/2.0/mlflow/upload-artifact"), methods=["POST"])
def serve_upload_artifact():
    return upload_artifact_handler()

# Serve the "/get-trace-artifact" route to allow frontend to fetch trace artifacts
# and render them in the Trace UI. The request body should contain the request_id
# of the trace.
@app.route(_add_static_prefix("/ajax-api/2.0/mlflow/get-trace-artifact"), methods=["GET"])
def serve_get_trace_artifact():
    return get_trace_artifact_handler()

# We expect the react app to be built assuming it is hosted at /static-files, so that requests for
# CSS/JS resources will be made to e.g. /static-files/main.css and we can handle them here.
# The files are hashed based on source code, so ok to send Cache-Control headers via max_age.
def serve_static_file(path):
    if IS_FLASK_V1:
        return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, path, cache_timeout=2419200)
        return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, path, max_age=2419200)

# Serve the index.html for the React App for all other routes.
def serve():
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.static_folder, "index.html")):
        return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, "index.html")

    text = textwrap.dedent(
    Unable to display MLflow UI - landing page (index.html) not found.

    You are very likely running the MLflow server using a source installation of the Python MLflow

    If you are a developer making MLflow source code changes and intentionally running a source
    installation of MLflow, you can view the UI by running the Javascript dev server:

    Otherwise, uninstall MLflow via 'pip uninstall mlflow', reinstall an official MLflow release
    from PyPI via 'pip install mlflow', and rerun the MLflow server.
    return Response(text, mimetype="text/plain")

def _find_app(app_name: str) -> str:
    apps = get_entry_points("")
    for app in apps:
        if == app_name:
            return app.value

    raise MlflowException(
        f"Failed to find app '{app_name}'. Available apps: {[ for a in apps]}"

def _is_factory(app: str) -> bool:
    Returns True if the given app is a factory function, False otherwise.

        app: The app to check, e.g. "
    module, obj_name = app.rsplit(":", 1)
    mod = importlib.import_module(module)
    obj = getattr(mod, obj_name)
    return isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType)

[docs]def get_app_client(app_name: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a client provided by an app. Args: app_name: The app name defined in ``, e.g., "basic-auth". args: Additional arguments passed to the app client constructor. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the app client constructor. Returns: An app client instance. """ clients = get_entry_points("") for client in clients: if == app_name: cls = client.load() return cls(*args, **kwargs) raise MlflowException( f"Failed to find client for '{app_name}'. Available clients: {[ for c in clients]}" )
def _build_waitress_command(waitress_opts, host, port, app_name, is_factory): opts = shlex.split(waitress_opts) if waitress_opts else [] return [ sys.executable, "-m", "waitress", *opts, f"--host={host}", f"--port={port}", "--ident=mlflow", *(["--call"] if is_factory else []), app_name, ] def _build_gunicorn_command(gunicorn_opts, host, port, workers, app_name): bind_address = f"{host}:{port}" opts = shlex.split(gunicorn_opts) if gunicorn_opts else [] return [ sys.executable, "-m", "gunicorn", *opts, "-b", bind_address, "-w", str(workers), app_name, ] def _run_server( file_store_path, registry_store_uri, default_artifact_root, serve_artifacts, artifacts_only, artifacts_destination, host, port, static_prefix=None, workers=None, gunicorn_opts=None, waitress_opts=None, expose_prometheus=None, app_name=None, ): """ Run the MLflow server, wrapping it in gunicorn or waitress on windows Args: static_prefix: If set, the index.html asset will be served from the path static_prefix. If left None, the index.html asset will be served from the root path. Returns: None """ env_map = {} if file_store_path: env_map[BACKEND_STORE_URI_ENV_VAR] = file_store_path if registry_store_uri: env_map[REGISTRY_STORE_URI_ENV_VAR] = registry_store_uri if default_artifact_root: env_map[ARTIFACT_ROOT_ENV_VAR] = default_artifact_root if serve_artifacts: env_map[SERVE_ARTIFACTS_ENV_VAR] = "true" if artifacts_only: env_map[ARTIFACTS_ONLY_ENV_VAR] = "true" if artifacts_destination: env_map[ARTIFACTS_DESTINATION_ENV_VAR] = artifacts_destination if static_prefix: env_map[STATIC_PREFIX_ENV_VAR] = static_prefix if expose_prometheus: env_map[PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_ENV_VAR] = expose_prometheus if app_name is None: app = f"{__name__}:app" is_factory = False else: app = _find_app(app_name) is_factory = _is_factory(app) # `waitress` doesn't support `()` syntax for factory functions. # Instead, we need to use the `--call` flag. app = f"{app}()" if (not is_windows() and is_factory) else app # TODO: eventually may want waitress on non-win32 if sys.platform == "win32": full_command = _build_waitress_command(waitress_opts, host, port, app, is_factory) else: full_command = _build_gunicorn_command(gunicorn_opts, host, port, workers or 4, app) _exec_cmd(full_command, extra_env=env_map, capture_output=False)