Source code for mlflow.tracking._tracking_service.utils

import logging
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Generator, Union

from mlflow.environment_variables import MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
from import FileStore
from import RestStore
from mlflow.tracing.provider import reset_tracer_setup
from mlflow.tracking._tracking_service.registry import TrackingStoreRegistry
from mlflow.utils.credentials import get_default_host_creds
from mlflow.utils.databricks_utils import get_databricks_host_creds
from mlflow.utils.file_utils import path_to_local_file_uri
from mlflow.utils.uri import _DATABRICKS_UNITY_CATALOG_SCHEME

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_tracking_uri = None

[docs]def is_tracking_uri_set(): """Returns True if the tracking URI has been set, False otherwise.""" if _tracking_uri or MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI.get(): return True return False
[docs]def set_tracking_uri(uri: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """ Set the tracking server URI. This does not affect the currently active run (if one exists), but takes effect for successive runs. Args: uri: - An empty string, or a local file path, prefixed with ``file:/``. Data is stored locally at the provided file (or ``./mlruns`` if empty). - An HTTP URI like ``https://my-tracking-server:5000``. - A Databricks workspace, provided as the string "databricks" or, to use a Databricks CLI `profile <>`_, "databricks://<profileName>". - A :py:class:`pathlib.Path` instance .. code-block:: python :test: :caption: Example import mlflow mlflow.set_tracking_uri("file:///tmp/my_tracking") tracking_uri = mlflow.get_tracking_uri() print(f"Current tracking uri: {tracking_uri}") .. code-block:: text :caption: Output Current tracking uri: file:///tmp/my_tracking """ if isinstance(uri, Path): # On Windows with Python3.8 ( # .resolve() doesn't return the absolute path if the directory doesn't exist # so we're calling .absolute() first to get the absolute path on Windows, # then .resolve() to clean the path uri = uri.absolute().resolve().as_uri() global _tracking_uri if _tracking_uri != uri: _tracking_uri = uri # Tracer provider uses tracking URI to determine where to export traces. # Tracer provider stores the URI as its state so we need to reset # it explicitly when the global tracking URI changes. reset_tracer_setup()
@contextmanager def _use_tracking_uri(uri: str) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Temporarily use the specified tracking URI. Args: uri: The tracking URI to use. """ global _tracking_uri old_tracking_uri = _tracking_uri try: set_tracking_uri(uri) yield finally: set_tracking_uri(old_tracking_uri) def _resolve_tracking_uri(tracking_uri=None): return tracking_uri or get_tracking_uri()
[docs]def get_tracking_uri() -> str: """Get the current tracking URI. This may not correspond to the tracking URI of the currently active run, since the tracking URI can be updated via ``set_tracking_uri``. Returns: The tracking URI. .. code-block:: python import mlflow # Get the current tracking uri tracking_uri = mlflow.get_tracking_uri() print(f"Current tracking uri: {tracking_uri}") .. code-block:: text Current tracking uri: file:///.../mlruns """ global _tracking_uri if _tracking_uri is not None: return _tracking_uri elif uri := MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI.get(): return uri else: return path_to_local_file_uri(os.path.abspath(DEFAULT_LOCAL_FILE_AND_ARTIFACT_PATH))
def _get_file_store(store_uri, **_): return FileStore(store_uri, store_uri) def _get_sqlalchemy_store(store_uri, artifact_uri): from import SqlAlchemyStore if artifact_uri is None: artifact_uri = DEFAULT_LOCAL_FILE_AND_ARTIFACT_PATH return SqlAlchemyStore(store_uri, artifact_uri) def _get_rest_store(store_uri, **_): return RestStore(partial(get_default_host_creds, store_uri)) def _get_databricks_rest_store(store_uri, **_): return RestStore(partial(get_databricks_host_creds, store_uri)) def _get_databricks_uc_rest_store(store_uri, **_): from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException from mlflow.version import VERSION global _tracking_store_registry supported_schemes = [ scheme for scheme in _tracking_store_registry._registry if scheme != _DATABRICKS_UNITY_CATALOG_SCHEME ] raise MlflowException( f"Detected Unity Catalog tracking URI '{store_uri}'. " "Setting the tracking URI to a Unity Catalog backend is not supported in the current " f"version of the MLflow client ({VERSION}). " "Please specify a different tracking URI via mlflow.set_tracking_uri, with " "one of the supported schemes: " f"{supported_schemes}. If you're trying to access models in the Unity " "Catalog, please upgrade to the latest version of the MLflow Python " "client, then specify a Unity Catalog model registry URI via " f"mlflow.set_registry_uri('{_DATABRICKS_UNITY_CATALOG_SCHEME}') or " f"mlflow.set_registry_uri('{_DATABRICKS_UNITY_CATALOG_SCHEME}://profile_name'), where " "'profile_name' is the name of the Databricks CLI profile to use for " "authentication. Be sure to leave the tracking URI configured to use " "one of the supported schemes listed above." ) _tracking_store_registry = TrackingStoreRegistry() def _register_tracking_stores(): global _tracking_store_registry _tracking_store_registry.register("", _get_file_store) _tracking_store_registry.register("file", _get_file_store) _tracking_store_registry.register("databricks", _get_databricks_rest_store) _tracking_store_registry.register( _DATABRICKS_UNITY_CATALOG_SCHEME, _get_databricks_uc_rest_store ) for scheme in ["http", "https"]: _tracking_store_registry.register(scheme, _get_rest_store) for scheme in DATABASE_ENGINES: _tracking_store_registry.register(scheme, _get_sqlalchemy_store) _tracking_store_registry.register_entrypoints() def _register(scheme, builder): _tracking_store_registry.register(scheme, builder) _register_tracking_stores() def _get_store(store_uri=None, artifact_uri=None): return _tracking_store_registry.get_store(store_uri, artifact_uri) _artifact_repos_cache = OrderedDict() def _get_artifact_repo(run_id): return _artifact_repos_cache.get(run_id) # TODO(sueann): move to a projects utils module def _get_git_url_if_present(uri): """Return the path git_uri#sub_directory if the URI passed is a local path that's part of a Git repo, or returns the original URI otherwise. Args: uri: The expanded uri. Returns: The git_uri#sub_directory if the uri is part of a Git repo, otherwise return the original uri. """ if "#" in uri: # Already a URI in git repo format return uri try: from git import GitCommandNotFound, InvalidGitRepositoryError, NoSuchPathError, Repo except ImportError as e: _logger.warning( "Failed to import Git (the git executable is probably not on your PATH)," " so Git SHA is not available. Error: %s", e, ) return uri try: # Check whether this is part of a git repo repo = Repo(uri, search_parent_directories=True) # Repo url repo_url = f"file://{repo.working_tree_dir}" # Sub directory rlpath = uri.replace(repo.working_tree_dir, "") if rlpath == "": git_path = repo_url elif rlpath[0] == "/": git_path = repo_url + "#" + rlpath[1:] else: git_path = repo_url + "#" + rlpath return git_path except (InvalidGitRepositoryError, GitCommandNotFound, ValueError, NoSuchPathError): return uri