Source code for mlflow.types.llm

import time
import uuid
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field, fields
from typing import Any, Literal, Optional

from mlflow.types.schema import AnyType, Array, ColSpec, DataType, Map, Object, Property, Schema

# TODO: Switch to pydantic in a future version of MLflow.
#       For now, to prevent adding pydantic as a core dependency,
#       we use dataclasses instead.
#       Unfortunately, validation for generic types is not that
#       straightforward. For example, `isinstance(thing, List[T])``
#       is not supported, so the code here is a little ugly.

JSON_SCHEMA_TYPES = ["string", "number", "integer", "object", "array", "boolean", "null"]

class _BaseDataclass:
    def _validate_field(self, key, val_type, required):
        value = getattr(self, key, None)
        if required and value is None:
            raise ValueError(f"`{key}` is required")
        if value is not None and not isinstance(value, val_type):
            raise ValueError(
                f"`{key}` must be of type {val_type.__name__}, got {type(value).__name__}"

    def _validate_literal(self, key, allowed_values, required):
        value = getattr(self, key, None)
        if required and value is None:
            raise ValueError(f"`{key}` is required")
        if value is not None and value not in allowed_values:
            raise ValueError(f"`{key}` must be one of {allowed_values}, got {value}")

    def _validate_list(self, key, val_type, required):
        values = getattr(self, key, None)
        if required and values is None:
            raise ValueError(f"`{key}` is required")

        if values is not None:
            if isinstance(values, list) and not all(isinstance(v, val_type) for v in values):
                raise ValueError(f"All items in `{key}` must be of type {val_type.__name__}")
            elif not isinstance(values, list):
                raise ValueError(f"`{key}` must be a list, got {type(values).__name__}")

    def _convert_dataclass(self, key: str, cls: "_BaseDataclass", required=True):
        value = getattr(self, key)
        if value is None:
            if required:
                raise ValueError(f"`{key}` is required")

        if isinstance(value, cls):

        if not isinstance(value, dict):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Expected `{key}` to be either an instance of `{cls.__name__}` or "
                f"a dict matching the schema. Received `{type(value).__name__}`"

            setattr(self, key, cls.from_dict(value))
        except TypeError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"Error when coercing {value} to {cls.__name__}: {e}")

    def _convert_dataclass_list(self, key: str, cls: "_BaseDataclass", required=True):
        values = getattr(self, key)
        if values is None:
            if required:
                raise ValueError(f"`{key}` is required")
        if not isinstance(values, list):
            raise ValueError(f"`{key}` must be a list")

        if len(values) > 0:
            # if the items are all dicts, try to convert them to the desired class
            if all(isinstance(v, dict) for v in values):
                    setattr(self, key, [cls.from_dict(v) for v in values])
                except TypeError as e:
                    raise ValueError(f"Error when coercing {values} to {cls.__name__}: {e}")
            elif any(not isinstance(v, cls) for v in values):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Items in `{key}` must all have the same type: {cls.__name__} or dict"

    def _convert_dataclass_map(self, key, cls, required=True):
        mapping = getattr(self, key)
        if mapping is None:
            if required:
                raise ValueError(f"`{key}` is required")

        if not isinstance(mapping, dict):
            raise ValueError(f"`{key}` must be a dict")

        # create a new map to avoid mutating the original
        new_mapping = {}
        for k, v in mapping.items():
            if isinstance(v, cls):
                new_mapping[k] = v
            elif isinstance(v, dict):
                    new_mapping[k] = cls.from_dict(v)
                except TypeError as e:
                    raise ValueError(f"Error when coercing {v} to {cls.__name__}: {e}")
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Items in `{key}` must be either an instance of `{cls.__name__}` "
                    f"or a dict matching the schema. Received `{type(v).__name__}`"
        setattr(self, key, new_mapping)

    def to_dict(self):
        return asdict(self, dict_factory=lambda obj: {k: v for (k, v) in obj if v is not None})

    def from_dict(cls, data):
        Create an instance of the class from a dict, ignoring any undefined fields.
        This is useful when the dict contains extra fields, causing cls(**data) to fail.
        field_names = [ for field in fields(cls)]
        filtered_data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in field_names}
        return cls(**filtered_data)

[docs]@dataclass class FunctionToolCallArguments(_BaseDataclass): """ The arguments of a function tool call made by the model. Args: arguments (str): A JSON string of arguments that should be passed to the tool. name (str): The name of the tool that is being called. """ name: str arguments: str def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("name", str, True) self._validate_field("arguments", str, True) def to_tool_call(self, id=None): if id is None: id = str(uuid.uuid4()) return ToolCall(id=id, function=self)
[docs]@dataclass class ToolCall(_BaseDataclass): """ A tool call made by the model. Args: function (:py:class:`FunctionToolCallArguments`): The arguments of the function tool call. id (str): The ID of the tool call. Defaults to a random UUID. type (str): The type of the object. Defaults to "function". """ function: FunctionToolCallArguments id: str = field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4())) type: str = "function" def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("id", str, True) self._convert_dataclass("function", FunctionToolCallArguments, True) self._validate_field("type", str, True)
[docs]@dataclass class ChatMessage(_BaseDataclass): """ A message in a chat request or response. Args: role (str): The role of the entity that sent the message (e.g. ``"user"``, ``"system"``, ``"assistant"``, ``"tool"``). content (str): The content of the message. **Optional** Can be ``None`` if refusal or tool_calls are provided. refusal (str): The refusal message content. **Optional** Supplied if a refusal response is provided. name (str): The name of the entity that sent the message. **Optional**. tool_calls (List[:py:class:`ToolCall`]): A list of tool calls made by the model. **Optional** defaults to ``None`` tool_call_id (str): The ID of the tool call that this message is a response to. **Optional** defaults to ``None`` """ role: str content: Optional[str] = None refusal: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None tool_calls: Optional[list[ToolCall]] = None tool_call_id: Optional[str] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("role", str, True) if self.refusal: self._validate_field("refusal", str, True) if self.content: raise ValueError("Both `content` and `refusal` cannot be set") elif self.tool_calls: self._validate_field("content", str, False) else: self._validate_field("content", str, True) self._validate_field("name", str, False) self._convert_dataclass_list("tool_calls", ToolCall, False) self._validate_field("tool_call_id", str, False)
[docs]@dataclass class ChatChoiceDelta(_BaseDataclass): """ A streaming message delta in a chat response. Args: role (str): The role of the entity that sent the message (e.g. ``"user"``, ``"system"``, ``"assistant"``, ``"tool"``). **Optional** defaults to ``"assistant"`` This is optional because OpenAI clients can explicitly return None for the role content (str): The content of the new token being streamed **Optional** Can be ``None`` on the last delta chunk or if refusal or tool_calls are provided refusal (str): The refusal message content. **Optional** Supplied if a refusal response is provided. name (str): The name of the entity that sent the message. **Optional**. tool_calls (List[:py:class:`ToolCall`]): A list of tool calls made by the model. **Optional** defaults to ``None`` """ role: Optional[str] = "assistant" content: Optional[str] = None refusal: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None tool_calls: Optional[list[ToolCall]] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("role", str, False) if self.refusal: self._validate_field("refusal", str, True) if self.content: raise ValueError("Both `content` and `refusal` cannot be set") self._validate_field("content", str, False) self._validate_field("name", str, False) self._convert_dataclass_list("tool_calls", ToolCall, False)
[docs]@dataclass class ParamType(_BaseDataclass): type: Literal["string", "number", "integer", "object", "array", "boolean", "null"] def __post_init__(self): self._validate_literal("type", JSON_SCHEMA_TYPES, True)
[docs]@dataclass class ParamProperty(ParamType): """ A single parameter within a function definition. Args: type (str): The type of the parameter. Possible values are "string", "number", "integer", "object", "array", "boolean", or "null", conforming to the JSON Schema specification. description (str): A description of the parameter. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` enum (List[str]): Used to constrain the possible values for the parameter. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` items (:py:class:`ParamProperty`): If the param is of ``array`` type, this field can be used to specify the type of its items. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` """ description: Optional[str] = None enum: Optional[list[str]] = None items: Optional[ParamType] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("description", str, False) self._validate_list("enum", str, False) self._convert_dataclass("items", ParamType, False) super().__post_init__()
[docs]@dataclass class ToolParamsSchema(_BaseDataclass): """ A tool parameter definition. Args: properties (Dict[str, :py:class:`ParamProperty`]): A mapping of parameter names to their definitions. type (str): The type of the parameter. Currently only "object" is supported. required (List[str]): A list of required parameter names. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` additionalProperties (bool): Whether additional properties are allowed in the object. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` """ properties: dict[str, ParamProperty] type: Literal["object"] = "object" required: Optional[list[str]] = None additionalProperties: Optional[bool] = None def __post_init__(self): self._convert_dataclass_map("properties", ParamProperty, True) self._validate_literal("type", ["object"], True) self._validate_list("required", str, False) self._validate_field("additionalProperties", bool, False)
[docs]@dataclass class FunctionToolDefinition(_BaseDataclass): """ Definition for function tools (currently the only supported type of tool). Args: name (str): The name of the tool. description (str): A description of what the tool does, and how it should be used. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` parameters: A mapping of parameter names to their definitions. If not provided, this defines a function without parameters. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` strict (bool): A flag that represents whether or not the model should strictly follow the schema provided. """ name: str description: Optional[str] = None parameters: Optional[ToolParamsSchema] = None strict: bool = False def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("name", str, True) self._validate_field("description", str, False) self._convert_dataclass("parameters", ToolParamsSchema, False) self._validate_field("strict", bool, True)
[docs] def to_tool_definition(self): """ Convenience function for wrapping this in a ToolDefinition """ return ToolDefinition(type="function", function=self)
[docs]@dataclass class ToolDefinition(_BaseDataclass): """ Definition for tools that can be called by the model. Args: function (:py:class:`FunctionToolDefinition`): The definition of a function tool. type (str): The type of the tool. Currently only "function" is supported. """ function: FunctionToolDefinition type: Literal["function"] = "function" def __post_init__(self): self._validate_literal("type", ["function"], True) self._convert_dataclass("function", FunctionToolDefinition, True)
[docs]@dataclass class ChatParams(_BaseDataclass): """ Common parameters used for chat inference Args: temperature (float): A param used to control randomness and creativity during inference. **Optional**, defaults to ``1.0`` max_tokens (int): The maximum number of new tokens to generate. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` (unlimited) stop (List[str]): A list of tokens at which to stop generation. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` n (int): The number of responses to generate. **Optional**, defaults to ``1`` stream (bool): Whether to stream back responses as they are generated. **Optional**, defaults to ``False`` top_p (float): An optional param to control sampling with temperature, the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. E.g., 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. top_k (int): An optional param for reducing the vocabulary size to top k tokens (sorted in descending order by their probabilities). frequency_penalty: (float): An optional param of positive or negative value, positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. presence_penalty: (float): An optional param of positive or negative value, positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far, increasing the model's likelihood to talk about new topics. custom_inputs (Dict[str, Any]): An optional param to provide arbitrary additional context to the model. The dictionary values must be JSON-serializable. tools (List[:py:class:`ToolDefinition`]): An optional list of tools that can be called by the model. .. warning:: In an upcoming MLflow release, default values for `temperature`, `n` and `stream` will be removed. Please provide these values explicitly in your code if needed. """ temperature: float = 1.0 max_tokens: Optional[int] = None stop: Optional[list[str]] = None n: int = 1 stream: bool = False top_p: Optional[float] = None top_k: Optional[int] = None frequency_penalty: Optional[float] = None presence_penalty: Optional[float] = None custom_inputs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None tools: Optional[list[ToolDefinition]] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("temperature", float, True) self._validate_field("max_tokens", int, False) self._validate_list("stop", str, False) self._validate_field("n", int, True) self._validate_field("stream", bool, True) self._validate_field("top_p", float, False) self._validate_field("top_k", int, False) self._validate_field("frequency_penalty", float, False) self._validate_field("presence_penalty", float, False) self._convert_dataclass_list("tools", ToolDefinition, False) # validate that the custom_inputs field is a map from string to string if self.custom_inputs is not None: if not isinstance(self.custom_inputs, dict): raise ValueError( "Expected `custom_inputs` to be a dictionary, " f"received `{type(self.custom_inputs).__name__}`" ) for key, value in self.custom_inputs.items(): if not isinstance(key, str): raise ValueError( "Expected `custom_inputs` to be of type `Dict[str, Any]`, " f"received key of type `{type(key).__name__}` (key: {key})" )
[docs] @classmethod def keys(cls) -> set[str]: """ Return the keys of the dataclass """ return { for field in fields(cls)}
[docs]@dataclass() class ChatCompletionRequest(ChatParams): """ Format of the request object expected by the chat endpoint. Args: messages (List[:py:class:`ChatMessage`]): A list of :py:class:`ChatMessage` that will be passed to the model. **Optional**, defaults to empty list (``[]``) temperature (float): A param used to control randomness and creativity during inference. **Optional**, defaults to ``1.0`` max_tokens (int): The maximum number of new tokens to generate. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` (unlimited) stop (List[str]): A list of tokens at which to stop generation. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` n (int): The number of responses to generate. **Optional**, defaults to ``1`` stream (bool): Whether to stream back responses as they are generated. **Optional**, defaults to ``False`` top_p (float): An optional param to control sampling with temperature, the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. E.g., 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. top_k (int): An optional param for reducing the vocabulary size to top k tokens (sorted in descending order by their probabilities). frequency_penalty: (float): An optional param of positive or negative value, positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. presence_penalty: (float): An optional param of positive or negative value, positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far, increasing the model's likelihood to talk about new topics. custom_inputs (Dict[str, Any]): An optional param to provide arbitrary additional context to the model. The dictionary values must be JSON-serializable. tools (List[:py:class:`ToolDefinition`]): An optional list of tools that can be called by the model. .. warning:: In an upcoming MLflow release, default values for `temperature`, `n` and `stream` will be removed. Please provide these values explicitly in your code if needed. """ messages: list[ChatMessage] = field(default_factory=list) def __post_init__(self): self._convert_dataclass_list("messages", ChatMessage) super().__post_init__()
[docs]@dataclass class TopTokenLogProb(_BaseDataclass): """ Token and its log probability. Args: token: The token. logprob: The log probability of this token, if it is within the top 20 most likely tokens. Otherwise, the value -9999.0 is used to signify that the token is very unlikely. bytes: A list of integers representing the UTF-8 bytes representation of the token. Useful in instances where characters are represented by multiple tokens and their byte representations must be combined to generate the correct text representation. Can be null if there is no bytes representation for the token. """ token: str logprob: float bytes: Optional[list[int]] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("token", str, True) self._validate_field("logprob", float, True) self._validate_list("bytes", int, False)
[docs]@dataclass class TokenLogProb(_BaseDataclass): """ Message content token with log probability information. Args: token: The token. logprob: The log probability of this token, if it is within the top 20 most likely tokens. Otherwise, the value -9999.0 is used to signify that the token is very unlikely. bytes: A list of integers representing the UTF-8 bytes representation of the token. Useful in instances where characters are represented by multiple tokens and their byte representations must be combined to generate the correct text representation. Can be null if there is no bytes representation for the token. top_logprobs: List of the most likely tokens and their log probability, at this token position. In rare cases, there may be fewer than the number of requested top_logprobs returned. """ token: str logprob: float top_logprobs: list[TopTokenLogProb] bytes: Optional[list[int]] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("token", str, True) self._validate_field("logprob", float, True) self._convert_dataclass_list("top_logprobs", TopTokenLogProb) self._validate_list("bytes", int, False)
[docs]@dataclass class ChatChoiceLogProbs(_BaseDataclass): """ Log probability information for the choice. Args: content: A list of message content tokens with log probability information. """ content: Optional[list[TokenLogProb]] = None def __post_init__(self): self._convert_dataclass_list("content", TokenLogProb, False)
[docs]@dataclass class ChatChoice(_BaseDataclass): """ A single chat response generated by the model. ref: Args: message (:py:class:`ChatMessage`): The message that was generated. index (int): The index of the response in the list of responses. Defaults to ``0`` finish_reason (str): The reason why generation stopped. **Optional**, defaults to ``"stop"`` logprobs (:py:class:`ChatChoiceLogProbs`): Log probability information for the choice. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` """ message: ChatMessage index: int = 0 finish_reason: str = "stop" logprobs: Optional[ChatChoiceLogProbs] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("index", int, True) self._validate_field("finish_reason", str, True) self._convert_dataclass("message", ChatMessage, True) self._convert_dataclass("logprobs", ChatChoiceLogProbs, False)
[docs]@dataclass class ChatChunkChoice(_BaseDataclass): """ A single chat response chunk generated by the model. ref: Args: index (int): The index of the response in the list of responses. defaults to ``0`` delta (:py:class:`ChatChoiceDelta`): The streaming chunk message that was generated. finish_reason (str): The reason why generation stopped. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` logprobs (:py:class:`ChatChoiceLogProbs`): Log probability information for the choice. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` """ delta: ChatChoiceDelta index: int = 0 finish_reason: Optional[str] = None logprobs: Optional[ChatChoiceLogProbs] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("index", int, True) self._validate_field("finish_reason", str, False) self._convert_dataclass("delta", ChatChoiceDelta, True) self._convert_dataclass("logprobs", ChatChoiceLogProbs, False)
[docs]@dataclass class TokenUsageStats(_BaseDataclass): """ Stats about the number of tokens used during inference. Args: prompt_tokens (int): The number of tokens in the prompt. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` completion_tokens (int): The number of tokens in the generated completion. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` total_tokens (int): The total number of tokens used. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` """ prompt_tokens: Optional[int] = None completion_tokens: Optional[int] = None total_tokens: Optional[int] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("prompt_tokens", int, False) self._validate_field("completion_tokens", int, False) self._validate_field("total_tokens", int, False)
[docs]@dataclass class ChatCompletionResponse(_BaseDataclass): """ The full response object returned by the chat endpoint. Args: choices (List[:py:class:`ChatChoice`]): A list of :py:class:`ChatChoice` objects containing the generated responses usage (:py:class:`TokenUsageStats`): An object describing the tokens used by the request. **Optional**, defaults to ``None``. id (str): The ID of the response. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` model (str): The name of the model used. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` object (str): The object type. Defaults to 'chat.completion' created (int): The time the response was created. **Optional**, defaults to the current time. custom_outputs (Dict[str, Any]): An field that can contain arbitrary additional context. The dictionary values must be JSON-serializable. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` """ choices: list[ChatChoice] usage: Optional[TokenUsageStats] = None id: Optional[str] = None model: Optional[str] = None object: str = "chat.completion" created: int = field(default_factory=lambda: int(time.time())) custom_outputs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("id", str, False) self._validate_field("object", str, True) self._validate_field("created", int, True) self._validate_field("model", str, False) self._convert_dataclass_list("choices", ChatChoice) self._convert_dataclass("usage", TokenUsageStats, False)
[docs]@dataclass class ChatCompletionChunk(_BaseDataclass): """ The streaming chunk returned by the chat endpoint. ref: Args: choices (List[:py:class:`ChatChunkChoice`]): A list of :py:class:`ChatChunkChoice` objects containing the generated chunk of a streaming response usage (:py:class:`TokenUsageStats`): An object describing the tokens used by the request. **Optional**, defaults to ``None``. id (str): The ID of the response. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` model (str): The name of the model used. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` object (str): The object type. Defaults to 'chat.completion.chunk' created (int): The time the response was created. **Optional**, defaults to the current time. custom_outputs (Dict[str, Any]): An field that can contain arbitrary additional context. The dictionary values must be JSON-serializable. **Optional**, defaults to ``None`` """ choices: list[ChatChunkChoice] usage: Optional[TokenUsageStats] = None id: Optional[str] = None model: Optional[str] = None object: str = "chat.completion.chunk" created: int = field(default_factory=lambda: int(time.time())) custom_outputs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None def __post_init__(self): self._validate_field("id", str, False) self._validate_field("object", str, True) self._validate_field("created", int, True) self._validate_field("model", str, False) self._convert_dataclass_list("choices", ChatChunkChoice) self._convert_dataclass("usage", TokenUsageStats, False)
# turn off formatting for the model signatures to preserve readability # fmt: off _token_usage_stats_col_spec = ColSpec( name="usage", type=Object( [ Property("prompt_tokens", DataType.long), Property("completion_tokens", DataType.long), Property("total_tokens", DataType.long), ] ), required=False, ) _custom_inputs_col_spec = ColSpec(name="custom_inputs", type=Map(AnyType()), required=False) _custom_outputs_col_spec = ColSpec(name="custom_outputs", type=Map(AnyType()), required=False) CHAT_MODEL_INPUT_SCHEMA = Schema( [ ColSpec( name="messages", type=Array( Object( [ Property("role", DataType.string), Property("content", DataType.string, False), Property("name", DataType.string, False), Property("refusal", DataType.string, False), Property("tool_calls", Array(Object([ Property("id", DataType.string), Property("function", Object([ Property("name", DataType.string), Property("arguments", DataType.string), ])), Property("type", DataType.string), ])), False), Property("tool_call_id", DataType.string, False), ] ) ), ), ColSpec(name="temperature", type=DataType.double, required=False), ColSpec(name="max_tokens", type=DataType.long, required=False), ColSpec(name="stop", type=Array(DataType.string), required=False), ColSpec(name="n", type=DataType.long, required=False), ColSpec(name="stream", type=DataType.boolean, required=False), ColSpec(name="top_p", type=DataType.double, required=False), ColSpec(name="top_k", type=DataType.long, required=False), ColSpec(name="frequency_penalty", type=DataType.double, required=False), ColSpec(name="presence_penalty", type=DataType.double, required=False), ColSpec( name="tools", type=Array( Object([ Property("type", DataType.string), Property("function", Object([ Property("name", DataType.string), Property("description", DataType.string, False), Property("parameters", Object([ Property("properties", Map(Object([ Property("type", DataType.string), Property("description", DataType.string, False), Property("enum", Array(DataType.string), False), Property("items", Object([Property("type", DataType.string)]), False), # noqa ]))), Property("type", DataType.string, False), Property("required", Array(DataType.string), False), Property("additionalProperties", DataType.boolean, False), ])), Property("strict", DataType.boolean, False), ]), False), ]), ), required=False, ), _custom_inputs_col_spec, ] ) CHAT_MODEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA = Schema( [ ColSpec(name="id", type=DataType.string), ColSpec(name="object", type=DataType.string), ColSpec(name="created", type=DataType.long), ColSpec(name="model", type=DataType.string), ColSpec( name="choices", type=Array(Object([ Property("index", DataType.long), Property("message", Object([ Property("role", DataType.string), Property("content", DataType.string, False), Property("name", DataType.string, False), Property("refusal", DataType.string, False), Property("tool_calls",Array(Object([ Property("id", DataType.string), Property("function", Object([ Property("name", DataType.string), Property("arguments", DataType.string), ])), Property("type", DataType.string), ])), False), Property("tool_call_id", DataType.string, False), ])), Property("finish_reason", DataType.string), ])), ), _token_usage_stats_col_spec, _custom_outputs_col_spec ] ) CHAT_MODEL_INPUT_EXAMPLE = { "messages": [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}, ], "temperature": 1.0, "max_tokens": 10, "stop": ["\n"], "n": 1, "stream": False, } COMPLETIONS_MODEL_INPUT_SCHEMA = Schema( [ ColSpec(name="prompt", type=DataType.string), ColSpec(name="temperature", type=DataType.double, required=False), ColSpec(name="max_tokens", type=DataType.long, required=False), ColSpec(name="stop", type=Array(DataType.string), required=False), ColSpec(name="n", type=DataType.long, required=False), ColSpec(name="stream", type=DataType.boolean, required=False), ] ) COMPLETIONS_MODEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA = Schema( [ ColSpec(name="id", type=DataType.string), ColSpec(name="object", type=DataType.string), ColSpec(name="created", type=DataType.long), ColSpec(name="model", type=DataType.string), ColSpec( name="choices", type=Array( Object( [ Property("index", DataType.long), Property( "text", DataType.string, ), Property("finish_reason", DataType.string), ] ) ), ), ColSpec( name="usage", type=Object( [ Property("prompt_tokens", DataType.long), Property("completion_tokens", DataType.long), Property("total_tokens", DataType.long), ] ), ), ] ) EMBEDDING_MODEL_INPUT_SCHEMA = Schema( [ ColSpec(name="input", type=DataType.string), ] ) EMBEDDING_MODEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA = Schema( [ ColSpec(name="object", type=DataType.string), ColSpec( name="data", type=Array( Object( [ Property("index", DataType.long), Property("object", DataType.string), Property("embedding", Array(DataType.double)), ] ) ), ), ColSpec( name="usage", type=Object( [ Property("prompt_tokens", DataType.long), Property("total_tokens", DataType.long), ] ), ), ] ) # fmt: on