Customizing a Model’s predict method

In this tutorial, we will explore the process of customizing the predict method of a model in the context of MLflow’s PyFunc flavor. This is particularly useful when you want to have more flexibility in how your model behaves after you’ve deployed it using MLflow.

To illustrate this, we’ll use the famous Iris dataset and build a basic Logistic Regression model with scikit-learn.

from joblib import dump
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

import mlflow
from mlflow.models import infer_signature
from mlflow.pyfunc import PythonModel

Configure the tracking server uri

This step is important to ensure that all of the calls to MLflow that we’re going to be doing within this notebook will actually be logged to our tracking server that is running locally.

If you are following along with this notebook in a different environment and wish to execute the remainder of this notebook to a remote tracking server, change the following cell.

Databricks: mlflow.set_tracking_uri("databricks")

Your hosted MLflow: mlflow.set_tracking_uri("<port>)

Your local tracking server As in the introductory tutorial, we can start a local tracking server via command line as follows:

mlflow server --host --port 8080

And the MLflow UI server can be started locally via:

mlflow ui --host --port 8090

Let’s begin by loading the Iris dataset and splitting it into training and testing sets. We’ll then train a simple Logistic Regression model on the training data.

iris = load_iris()
x =[:, 2:]
y =

x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=9001)

model = LogisticRegression(random_state=0, max_iter=5_000, solver="newton-cg").fit(x_train, y_train)

This is a common scenario in machine learning. We have a trained model, and we want to use it to make predictions. With scikit-learn, the model provides a few methods to do this:

  • predict - to predict class labels

  • predict_proba - to get class membership probabilities

  • predict_log_proba - to get logarithmic probabilities for each class

We can predict the class labels, as shown below.

array([1, 2, 2, 1, 0])

We can also get the class membership probability.

array([[2.64002987e-03, 6.62306827e-01, 3.35053144e-01],
       [1.24429110e-04, 8.35485037e-02, 9.16327067e-01],
       [1.30646549e-04, 1.37480519e-01, 8.62388835e-01],
       [3.70944840e-03, 7.13202611e-01, 2.83087941e-01],
       [9.82629868e-01, 1.73700532e-02, 7.88350143e-08]])

As well as generate logarithmic probabilites for each class.

array([[ -5.93696505,  -0.41202635,  -1.09346612],
       [ -8.99177441,  -2.48232793,  -0.08738192],
       [ -8.94301498,  -1.98427305,  -0.14804903],
       [ -5.59687209,  -0.33798973,  -1.26199768],
       [ -0.01752276,  -4.05300763, -16.35590859]])

While using the model directly within the same Python session is straightforward, what happens when we want to save this model and load it elsewhere, especially when using MLflow’s PyFunc flavor? Let’s explore this scenario.

mlflow.set_experiment("Overriding Predict Tutorial")

sklearn_path = "/tmp/sklearn_model"

with mlflow.start_run() as run:
/Users/benjamin.wilson/miniconda3/envs/mlflow-dev-env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_distutils_hack/ UserWarning: Setuptools is replacing distutils.
  warnings.warn("Setuptools is replacing distutils.")

Once the model is loaded as a pyfunc, the default behavior only supports the predict method. This is evident when you try to call other methods like predict_proba, leading to an AttributeError. This can be limiting, especially when you want to preserve the full capability of the original model.

loaded_logreg_model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(sklearn_path)
array([1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1,
       1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2])

This works precisely as we expect. The output is the same as the model direct usage prior to saving.

Let’s try to use the predict_proba method.

We’re not actually going to run this, as it will raise an Exception. Here is the behavior if we try to execute this:


Which will result in this error:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/cd/n8n0rm2x53l_s0xv_j_xklb00000gp/T/ipykernel_15410/ in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 loaded_logreg_model.predict_proba(x_text)

AttributeError: 'PyFuncModel' object has no attribute 'predict_proba'

What can we do to support the original behavior of the model when deployed?

We can create a custom pyfunc that overrides the behavior of the predict method.

For the example below, we’re going to be showing two features of pyfunc that can be leveraged to handle custom model logging capabilities:

  • override of the predict method

  • custom loading of an artifact

A key thing to note is the use of joblib for serialization. While pickle has been historically used for serializing scikit-learn models, joblib is now recommended as it provides better performance and support, especially for large numpy arrays.

We’ll be using joblib and it’s dump and load APIs to handle loading of our model object into our custom pyfunc implementation. This process of using the load_context method to handle loading files when instantiating the pyfunc object is particularly useful for models that have very large or numerous artifact dependencies (such as LLMs) and can help to dramatically lessen the total memory footprint of a pyfunc that is being loaded in a distributed system (such as Apache Spark or Ray).

from joblib import dump

from mlflow.models import infer_signature
from mlflow.pyfunc import PythonModel

To see how we can leverage the load_context functionality within a custom Python Model, we’ll first serialize our model locally using joblib. The usage of joblib here is purely to demonstrate a non-standard method (one that is not natively supported in MLflow) to illustrate the flexibility of the Python Model implementation. Provided that we import this library within the load_context and have it available in the environment where we will be loading this model, the model artifact will be deserialized properly.

model_directory = "/tmp/sklearn_model.joblib"
dump(model, model_directory)

Defining our custom PythonModel

The ModelWrapper class below is an example of a custom pyfunc that extends MLflow’s PythonModel. It provides flexibility in the prediction method by using the params argument of the predict method. This way, we can specify if we want the regular predict, predict_proba, or predict_log_proba behavior when we call the predict method on the loaded pyfunc instance.

class ModelWrapper(PythonModel):
    def __init__(self):
        self.model = None

    def load_context(self, context):
        from joblib import load

        self.model = load(context.artifacts["model_path"])

    def predict(self, context, model_input, params=None):
        params = params or {"predict_method": "predict"}
        predict_method = params.get("predict_method")

        if predict_method == "predict":
            return self.model.predict(model_input)
        elif predict_method == "predict_proba":
            return self.model.predict_proba(model_input)
        elif predict_method == "predict_log_proba":
            return self.model.predict_log_proba(model_input)
            raise ValueError(f"The prediction method '{predict_method}' is not supported.")

After defining the custom pyfunc, the next steps involve saving the model with MLflow and then loading it back. The loaded model will retain the flexibility we built into the custom pyfunc, allowing us to choose the prediction method dynamically.

NOTE: The artifacts reference below is incredibly important. In order for the load_context to have access to the path that we are specifying as the location of our saved model, this must be provided as a dictionary that maps the appropriate access key to the relevant value. Failing to provide this dictionary as part of the mlflow.save_model() or mlflow.log_model() will render this custom pyfunc model unable to be properly loaded.

# Define the required artifacts associated with the saved custom pyfunc
artifacts = {"model_path": model_directory}

# Define the signature associated with the model
signature = infer_signature(x_train, params={"predict_method": "predict_proba"})

We can see how the defined params are used within the signature definition. As is shown below, the params receive a slight alteration when logged. We have a param key that is defined (predict_method), and expected type (string), and a default value. What this ends up meaning for this params definition is:

  • We can only provide a params override for the key predict_method. Anything apart from this will be ignored and a warning will be shown indicating that the unknown parameter will not be passed to the underlying model.

  • The value associated with predict_method must be a string. Any other type will not be permitted and will raise an Exception for an unexpected type.

  • If no value for the predict_method is provided when calling predict, the default value of predict_proba will be used by the model.

  [Tensor('float64', (-1, 2))]
  ['predict_method': string (default: predict_proba)]

We can now save our custom model. We’re providing a path to save it to, as well as the artifacts definition that contains the location of the manually serialized instance that we stored via joblib. Also included is the signature, which is a key component to making this example work; without the paramater defined within the signature, we wouldn’t be able to override the method of prediction that the predict method will use.

Note that we’re overriding the pip_requirements here to ensure that we specify the requirements for our two dependent libraries: joblib and sklearn. This helps to ensure that whatever environment that we deploy this model to will pre-load both of these dependencies prior to loading this saved model.

pyfunc_path = "/tmp/dynamic_regressor"

with mlflow.start_run() as run:
        pip_requirements=["joblib", "sklearn"],

We can now load our model back by using the mlflow.pyfunc.load_model API.

loaded_dynamic = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(pyfunc_path)

Let’s see what the pyfunc model will produce with no overrides to the params argument.

array([[2.64002987e-03, 6.62306827e-01, 3.35053144e-01],
       [1.24429110e-04, 8.35485037e-02, 9.16327067e-01],
       [1.30646549e-04, 1.37480519e-01, 8.62388835e-01],
       [3.70944840e-03, 7.13202611e-01, 2.83087941e-01],
       [9.82629868e-01, 1.73700532e-02, 7.88350143e-08],
       [6.54171552e-03, 7.54211950e-01, 2.39246334e-01],
       [2.29127680e-06, 1.29261337e-02, 9.87071575e-01],
       [9.71364952e-01, 2.86348857e-02, 1.62618524e-07],
       [3.36988442e-01, 6.61070371e-01, 1.94118691e-03],
       [9.81908726e-01, 1.80911360e-02, 1.38374097e-07],
       [9.70783357e-01, 2.92164276e-02, 2.15395762e-07],
       [6.54171552e-03, 7.54211950e-01, 2.39246334e-01],
       [1.06968794e-02, 8.88253152e-01, 1.01049969e-01],
       [3.35084116e-03, 6.57732340e-01, 3.38916818e-01],
       [9.82272901e-01, 1.77269948e-02, 1.04445227e-07],
       [9.82629868e-01, 1.73700532e-02, 7.88350143e-08],
       [1.62626101e-03, 5.43474542e-01, 4.54899197e-01],
       [9.82629868e-01, 1.73700532e-02, 7.88350143e-08],
       [5.55685308e-03, 8.02036140e-01, 1.92407007e-01],
       [1.01733783e-02, 8.62455340e-01, 1.27371282e-01],
       [1.43317140e-08, 1.15653085e-03, 9.98843455e-01],
       [4.33536629e-02, 9.32351526e-01, 2.42948113e-02],
       [3.97007654e-02, 9.08506559e-01, 5.17926758e-02],
       [9.19762712e-01, 8.02357267e-02, 1.56085268e-06],
       [4.21970838e-02, 9.26463030e-01, 3.13398863e-02],
       [3.13635521e-02, 9.17295925e-01, 5.13405229e-02],
       [9.77454643e-01, 2.25452265e-02, 1.30412321e-07],
       [9.71364952e-01, 2.86348857e-02, 1.62618524e-07],
       [3.23802803e-02, 9.27626313e-01, 3.99934070e-02],
       [1.21876019e-06, 1.79695714e-02, 9.82029210e-01]])

As expected, it returned the default value of params predict_method, that of predict_proba. We can now attempt to override that functionality to return the class predictions.

loaded_dynamic.predict(x_test, params={"predict_method": "predict"})
array([1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1,
       1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2])

We can also override it to return the predict_log_proba logarithmic probailities of class membership.

loaded_dynamic.predict(x_test, params={"predict_method": "predict_log_proba"})
array([[-5.93696505e+00, -4.12026346e-01, -1.09346612e+00],
       [-8.99177441e+00, -2.48232793e+00, -8.73819177e-02],
       [-8.94301498e+00, -1.98427305e+00, -1.48049026e-01],
       [-5.59687209e+00, -3.37989732e-01, -1.26199768e+00],
       [-1.75227629e-02, -4.05300763e+00, -1.63559086e+01],
       [-5.02955584e+00, -2.82081850e-01, -1.43026157e+00],
       [-1.29864013e+01, -4.34850415e+00, -1.30127244e-02],
       [-2.90530299e-02, -3.55312953e+00, -1.56318587e+01],
       [-1.08770665e+00, -4.13894984e-01, -6.24445569e+00],
       [-1.82569224e-02, -4.01233318e+00, -1.57933050e+01],
       [-2.96519488e-02, -3.53302414e+00, -1.53507887e+01],
       [-5.02955584e+00, -2.82081850e-01, -1.43026157e+00],
       [-4.53780322e+00, -1.18498496e-01, -2.29214015e+00],
       [-5.69854387e+00, -4.18957208e-01, -1.08200058e+00],
       [-1.78861062e-02, -4.03266667e+00, -1.60746030e+01],
       [-1.75227629e-02, -4.05300763e+00, -1.63559086e+01],
       [-6.42147176e+00, -6.09772414e-01, -7.87679430e-01],
       [-1.75227629e-02, -4.05300763e+00, -1.63559086e+01],
       [-5.19272332e+00, -2.20601610e-01, -1.64814232e+00],
       [-4.58798095e+00, -1.47971911e-01, -2.06064898e+00],
       [-1.80607910e+01, -6.76233040e+00, -1.15721450e-03],
       [-3.13836408e+00, -7.00453618e-02, -3.71749248e+00],
       [-3.22638481e+00, -9.59531718e-02, -2.96050653e+00],
       [-8.36395634e-02, -2.52278639e+00, -1.33702783e+01],
       [-3.16540417e+00, -7.63811370e-02, -3.46286367e+00],
       [-3.46210882e+00, -8.63251488e-02, -2.96927492e+00],
       [-2.28033892e-02, -3.79223192e+00, -1.58525647e+01],
       [-2.90530299e-02, -3.55312953e+00, -1.56318587e+01],
       [-3.43020568e+00, -7.51263075e-02, -3.21904066e+00],
       [-1.36176765e+01, -4.01907543e+00, -1.81342258e-02]])

We’ve successfully created a pyfunc model that retains the full capabilities of the original scikit-learn model, while simultaneously using a custom loader methodology that eschews the standard pickle methodology.

This tutorial highlights the power and flexibility of MLflow’s PyFunc flavor, demonstrating how you can tailor it to fit your specific needs. As you continue building and deploying models, consider how custom pyfuncs can be used to enhance your model’s capabilities and adapt to various scenarios.