Deploy an MLflow PyFunc model with Model Serving

In this notebook, learn how to deploy a custom MLflow PyFunc model to a serving endpoint. MLflow pyfunc offers greater flexibility and customization to your deployment. You can run any custom model, add preprocessing or post-processing logic, or execute any arbitrary Python code. While using the MLflow built-in flavor is recommended for optimal performance, you can use MLflow PyFunc models where more customization is required.

Install and import libraries

%pip install --upgrade mlflow scikit-learn -q
213.32s - pydevd: Sending message related to process being replaced timed-out after 5 seconds
import json
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

import mlflow
from mlflow.models import infer_signature


1 - Create Some Sample Models

1.1 - Create Dummy Data

def create_weekly_dataset(n_dates, n_observations_per_date):
    rng = pd.date_range(start="today", periods=n_dates, freq="D")
    df = pd.DataFrame(
        np.random.randn(n_dates * n_observations_per_date, 4),
        columns=["x1", "x2", "x3", "y"],
        index=np.tile(rng, n_observations_per_date),
    df["dow"] = df.index.dayofweek
    return df

df = create_weekly_dataset(n_dates=30, n_observations_per_date=500)
(15000, 5)
x1 x2 x3 y dow
2024-01-26 18:30:42.810981 -1.137854 0.165915 0.711107 0.046467 4
2024-01-27 18:30:42.810981 0.475331 -0.749121 0.318395 0.520535 5
2024-01-28 18:30:42.810981 2.525948 1.019708 0.038251 -0.270675 6
2024-01-29 18:30:42.810981 1.113931 0.376434 -1.464181 -0.069208 0
2024-01-30 18:30:42.810981 -0.304569 1.389245 -1.152598 -1.137589 1

1.2 - Train Models for Each Day of the Week

for dow in df["dow"].unique():
    # Create dataset corresponding to a single day of the week
    X = df.loc[df["dow"] == dow]
    X.pop("dow")  # Remove DOW as a predictor column
    y = X.pop("y")

    # Fit our DOW model
    model = RandomForestRegressor().fit(X, y)

    # Infer signature of the model
    signature = infer_signature(X, model.predict(X))

    with mlflow.start_run():
        model_path = f"model_{dow}"

        # Log and register our DOW model with signature
        mlflow.set_tag("dow", dow)
Successfully registered model 'DOW_model_4'.
Created version '1' of model 'DOW_model_4'.
Successfully registered model 'DOW_model_5'.
Created version '1' of model 'DOW_model_5'.
Successfully registered model 'DOW_model_6'.
Created version '1' of model 'DOW_model_6'.
Successfully registered model 'DOW_model_0'.
Created version '1' of model 'DOW_model_0'.
Successfully registered model 'DOW_model_1'.
Created version '1' of model 'DOW_model_1'.
Successfully registered model 'DOW_model_2'.
Created version '1' of model 'DOW_model_2'.
Successfully registered model 'DOW_model_3'.
Created version '1' of model 'DOW_model_3'.

1.3 - Test inference on our DOW models

# Load Tuesday's model
tuesday_dow = 1
model_name = f"{DOW_MODEL_NAME_PREFIX}{tuesday_dow}"
model_uri = f"models:/{model_name}/latest"
model = mlflow.sklearn.load_model(model_uri)

# Perform inference using our training data for Tuesday
predictor_columns = [column for column in df.columns if column not in {"y", "dow"}]
head_of_training_data = df.loc[df["dow"] == tuesday_dow, predictor_columns].head()
tuesday_fitted_values = model.predict(head_of_training_data)
[-0.8571552   0.61833952  0.61625155  0.28999143  0.49778144]

2 - Create an MME Custom PyFunc Model

2.1 - Create a Child Implementation of mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel

class DOWModel(mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel):
    def __init__(self, model_uris):
        self.model_uris = model_uris
        self.models = {}

    def _model_uri_to_dow(model_uri: str) -> int:
        return int(model_uri.split("/")[-2].split("_")[-1])

    def load_context(self, context):
        self.models = {
            self._model_uri_to_dow(model_uri): mlflow.sklearn.load_model(model_uri)
            for model_uri in self.model_uris

    def predict(self, context, model_input, params):
        # Parse the dow parameter
        dow = params.get("dow")
        if dow is None:
            raise ValueError("DOW param is not passed.")

        # Get the model associated with the dow parameter
        model = self.models.get(dow)
        if model is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Model {dow} version was not found: {self.models.keys()}.")

        # Perform inference
        return model.predict(model_input)

2.2 - Test our Implementation

x1 x2 x3
2024-01-30 18:30:42.810981 -0.304569 1.389245 -1.152598
2024-02-06 18:30:42.810981 0.521323 0.814452 0.115571
2024-02-13 18:30:42.810981 0.229761 -1.936210 0.139201
2024-02-20 18:30:42.810981 -0.865488 1.024857 -0.857649
2024-01-30 18:30:42.810981 -1.454631 0.462055 0.703858
# Instantiate our DOW MME
model_uris = [f"models:/{DOW_MODEL_NAME_PREFIX}{i}/latest" for i in df["dow"].unique()]
dow_model = DOWModel(model_uris)
print("Model URIs:")

# Perform inference using our training data for Tuesday
params = {"dow": 1}
mme_tuesday_fitted_values = dow_model.predict(None, head_of_training_data, params=params)
assert all(tuesday_fitted_values == mme_tuesday_fitted_values)

print("\nTuesday fitted values:")
Model URIs:
['models:/DOW_model_4/latest', 'models:/DOW_model_5/latest', 'models:/DOW_model_6/latest', 'models:/DOW_model_0/latest', 'models:/DOW_model_1/latest', 'models:/DOW_model_2/latest', 'models:/DOW_model_3/latest']

Tuesday fitted values:
[-0.8571552   0.61833952  0.61625155  0.28999143  0.49778144]

2.3 - Register our Custom PyFunc Model

with mlflow.start_run():
    # Instantiate the custom pyfunc model
    model = DOWModel(model_uris)
    model_path = "MME_model_path"

    signature = infer_signature(

    # Log the model to the experiment
        registered_model_name=MME_MODEL_NAME,  # also register the model for easy access

    # Set some relevant information about our model
    # (Assuming model has a property 'models' that can be counted)
    mlflow.log_param("num_models", len(model.models))
  ['x1': double (required), 'x2': double (required), 'x3': double (required)]
  [Tensor('float64', (-1,))]
  ['dow': long (default: 1)]

Successfully registered model 'MME_DOW_model'.
Created version '1' of model 'MME_DOW_model'.

3 - Serve our Model

To test our endpoint, let’s serve our model on our local machine. 1. Open a new shell window in the root containing mlruns directory e.g. the same directory you ran this notebook. 2. Ensure mlflow is installed: pip install --upgrade mlflow scikit-learn 3. Run the bash command printed below.

PORT = 1234
    f"""Run the below command in a new window. You must be in the same repo as your mlruns directory and have mlflow installed...
    mlflow models serve -m "models:/{MME_MODEL_NAME}/latest" --env-manager local -p {PORT}"""
Run the below command in a new window. You must be in the same repo as your mlruns directory and have mlflow installed...
    mlflow models serve -m "models:/MME_DOW_model/latest" --env-manager local -p 1234

4 - Query our Served Model

def score_model(pdf, params):
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
    url = f"{PORT}/invocations"
    ds_dict = {"dataframe_split": pdf, "params": params}
    data_json = json.dumps(ds_dict, allow_nan=True)

    response = requests.request(method="POST", headers=headers, url=url, data=data_json)

    return response.json()

print("Inference on dow model 1 (Tuesday):")
inference_df = head_of_training_data.reset_index(drop=True).to_dict(orient="split")
print(score_model(inference_df, params={"dow": 1}))
Inference on dow model 1 (Tuesday):
{'predictions': [-0.8571551951905747, 0.618339524354309, 0.6162515496343108, 0.2899914313294642, 0.4977814353066934]}
[ ]: