Source code for mlflow.utils.async_logging.run_operations

from typing import List

[docs]class RunOperations: """Class that helps manage the futures of MLflow async logging.""" def __init__(self, operation_futures): self._operation_futures = operation_futures or []
[docs] def wait(self): """Blocks on completion of all futures.""" from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException failed_operations = [] for future in self._operation_futures: try: future.result() except Exception as e: failed_operations.append(e) if len(failed_operations) > 0: raise MlflowException( "The following failures occurred while performing one or more async logging " f"operations: {failed_operations}" )
[docs]def get_combined_run_operations(run_operations_list: List[RunOperations]) -> RunOperations: """Combine a list of RunOperations objects into a single RunOperations object. Given a list of `RunOperations`, returns a single `RunOperations` object that represents the combined set of operations. If the input list is empty, returns None. If the input list contains only one element, returns that element. Otherwise, creates a new `RunOperations` object that combines the operation futures from each input RunOperations object. Args: run_operations_list: A list of `RunOperations` objects to combine. Returns: A single `RunOperations` object that represents the combined set of operations. """ if not run_operations_list: return None if len(run_operations_list) == 1: return run_operations_list[0] if len(run_operations_list) > 1: operation_futures = [] for run_operations in run_operations_list: if run_operations and run_operations._operation_futures: operation_futures.extend(run_operations._operation_futures) return RunOperations(operation_futures)