
class mlflow.utils.async_logging.run_operations.RunOperations(operation_futures)[source]

Class that helps manage the futures of MLflow async logging.


Blocks on completion of all futures.

mlflow.utils.async_logging.run_operations.get_combined_run_operations(run_operations_list: List[mlflow.utils.async_logging.run_operations.RunOperations])mlflow.utils.async_logging.run_operations.RunOperations[source]

Combine a list of RunOperations objects into a single RunOperations object.

Given a list of RunOperations, returns a single RunOperations object that represents the combined set of operations. If the input list is empty, returns None. If the input list contains only one element, returns that element. Otherwise, creates a new RunOperations object that combines the operation futures from each input RunOperations object.


run_operations_list – A list of RunOperations objects to combine.


A single RunOperations object that represents the combined set of operations.