Models From Code Guide


Models from Code is available in MLflow 2.12.2 and above. If you are using a version earlier than what supports this feature, you are required to use the legacy serialization methods outlined in the Custom Python Model documentation.


Models from code is only available for LangChain and custom pyfunc (PythonModel instances) models. If you are using other libraries directly, using the provided saving and logging functionality within specific model flavors is recommended.

The models from code feature is a comprehensive overhaul of the process of defining, storing, and loading both custom models and specific flavor implementations that do not depend on serialized model weights (such as LangChain and LlamaIndex).

The key difference between legacy serialization of these models and the Models from Code approach is in how a model is represented during serialization.

In the legacy approach, serialization is done on the model object using either cloudpickle (custom pyfunc and LangChain) or a custom serializer that has incomplete coverage (in the case of LlamaIndex) of all functionality within the underlying package. For custom pyfunc, the usage of cloudpickle to serialize object instances creates a binary file that is used to reconstruct the object when loaded.

In models from code, for the model types that are supported, a simple script is saved with the definition of either the custom pyfunc or the flavor’s interface (i.e., in the case of LangChain, we can define and mark an LCEL chain directly as a model within a script).

The greatest gain associated with using models from code for custom pyfunc and supported library implementations is in the reduction of repetitive trial-and-error debugging that can occur when working on an implementation. The workflow shown below illustrates how these two methdologies compare when working on a solution for a custom model:

Models from code comparison with legacy serialization

Differences with Legacy serialization

In the legacy mode for custom models, an instance of your subclassed mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel is submitted in the call to log_model. When called via an object reference, MLflow will utilize cloudpickle to attempt to serialize your object.

In the native flavor serialization for LangChain, cloudpickle is used to store object references. However, only a subset of all object types that can be used within LangChain are available for serializing due to external state references or the use of lambda functions within the APIs. LlamaIndex, on the other hand, utilizes a custom serializer in the native implementation of the flavor that does not cover all possible uses of the library due to the need for excessively complex implementations to support edge case features within the library.

In models from code, instead of passing an object reference to an instance of your custom model, you will simply pass a path reference to a script that contains your model definition. When this mode is employed, MLflow will simply execute this script (along with any code_paths dependencies prior to running the main script) in the execution environment and instantiating whichever object you define in the call to mlflow.models.set_model(), assigning that object as the inference target.

At no point in this process are there dependencies on serialization libraries such as pickle or cloudpickle, removing the broad limitations that these serialization packages have, such as:

  • Portability and Compatiblility: Loading a pickle or cloudpickle file in a Python version that was different than the one used to serialize the object does not guarantee compatiblity.

  • Complex Object Serialization: File handles, sockets, external connections, dynamic references, lambda functions and system resources are unavailable for pickling.

  • Readability: Pickle and CloudPickle both store their serialized objects in a binary format that is impossible to read by humans.

  • Performance: Object serialization and dependency inspection can be very slow, particularly for complex implementations with many code reference dependencies.

Core requirements for using Models From Code

There are some important concepts to be aware of when using the models from code feature, as there are operations that are performed when logging a model via a script that may not be immediately apparent.

  • Imports: Models from code does not capture external references for non-pip installable packages, just as the legacy cloudpickle implementation does not. If you have external references (see the examples below), you must define these dependencies via code_paths arguments.

  • Execution during logging: In order to validate that the script file that you’re logging is valid, the code will be executed before being written to disk, exactly as other methods of model logging.

  • Requirements inference: Packages that are imported at the top of your defined model script will be inferred as requirements if they are installable from PyPI, regardless of whether you use them in the model execution logic or not.


If you define import statements that are never used within your script, these will still be included in the requirements listing. It is recommended to use a linter that is capable of determining unused import statements while writing your implementation so that you are not including irrelevant package dependencies.

Using Models From Code in a Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter (IPython Notebooks) are a very convenient way to work with AI applications and modeling in general. One slight limitation that they have is in their cell-based execution model. Due to the nature of how they are defined and run, the models from code feature does not directly support defining a notebook as a model. Rather, this feature requires that models are defined as Python scripts (the file extension must end in ‘.py’).

Fortunately, the folks that maintain the core kernel that Jupyter uses (IPython) have created a number of magic commands that are usable within notebooks to enhance the usability of notebooks as a development environment for AI practitioners. One of the most useful magic commands that can be used within any notebook environment that is based upon IPython (Jupyter, Databricks Notebooks, etc.) is the %%writefile command.

The %%writefile magic command, when written as the first line of a notebook cell, will capture the contents of the cell (not the entire notebook, mind you, only the current cell scope) with the exception of the magic command itself and write those contents to the file that you define.

For example, running the following in a notebook:

%%writefile "./"


Will result in a file being created, located in the same directory as your notebook, that contains:



There is an optional -a append command that can be used with the %%writefile magic command. This option will append the cell contents to the file being targeted for saving the cell contents to. It is not recommended to use this option due to the chances of creating difficult-to-debug overrides within a script that could contain multiple copies of your model definition logic. It is recommended to use the default behavior of %%writefile, which is to overwrite the local file each time that the cell is executed to ensure that the state of your cell’s contents are always reflected in the saved script file.

Examples of Using Models From Code

Each of these examples will show usage of the %%writefile magic command at the top of the script definition cell block in order to simulate defining the model code or other dependencies from within a single notebook. If you are writing your implementations within an IDE or a text editor, do not place this magic command at the top of your script.

Building a simple Models From Code model

In this example, we will define a very basic model that, when called via predict(), will utilize the input float value as an exponent to the number 2. The first code block, repesenting a discrete notebook cell, will create a file named in the same directory as the notebook. The contents of this file will be the model definition BasicModel, as well as the import statements and the MLflow function set_model that will instantiate an instance of this model to be used for inference.

# If running in a Jupyter or Databricks notebook cell, uncomment the following line:
# %%writefile "./"

import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Dict
from mlflow.pyfunc import PythonModel
from mlflow.models import set_model

class BasicModel(PythonModel):
    def exponential(self, numbers):
        return {f"{x}": 2**x for x in numbers}

    def predict(self, context, model_input) -> Dict[str, float]:
        if isinstance(model_input, pd.DataFrame):
            model_input = model_input.to_dict()[0].values()
        return self.exponential(model_input)

# Specify which definition in this script represents the model instance

The next section shows another cell that contains the logging logic.

import mlflow

mlflow.set_experiment("Basic Model From Code")

model_path = ""

with mlflow.start_run():
    model_info = mlflow.pyfunc.log_model(
        python_model=model_path,  # Define the model as the path to the script that was just saved
        input_example=[42.0, 24.0],

Looking at this stored model within the MLflow UI, we can see that the script in the first cell was recorded as an artifact to the run.

The MLflow UI showing the stored model code as a serialized python script

When we load this model via mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(), this script will be executed and an instance of BasicModel will be constructed, exposing the predict method as our entry point for inference, just as with the alternative legacy mode of logging a custom model.

my_model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_info.model_uri)
my_model.predict([2.2, 3.1, 4.7])

# or, with a Pandas DataFrame input
my_model.predict(pd.DataFrame([5.0, 6.0, 7.0]))

FAQ for Models from Code

There are several aspects of using the models from code feature for logging models that you should be aware of. While the behavior is similar to that of using legacy model serialization, there are a few notable differences that you will need to make to your development workflow and code architecture.

Dependency Management and Requirements

Proper management of dependencies and requirements is crucial for ensuring that your model can be loaded or deployed in new environments.

Why did I get a NameError when loading my model from a saved script?

When defining the script (or cell, if developing in a notebook), ensure that all of the required import statements are defined within the script. Failing to include the import dependencies will not only result in a name resolution error, but the requirement dependencies will not be included in the model’s requirements.txt file.

Loading my model is giving me an ImportError.

If you have external dependencies to your model definition script that are not available on PyPI, you must include these references using the code_paths argument when logging or saving your model. You may need to manually add import dependencies from these external scripts to the extra_pip_requirements argument when logging your model to ensure that all required dependencies are available to your model during loading.

Why is my requirements.txt file filled with packages that my model isn’t using?

MLflow will build the list of requirements from a models from code script based on the module-level import statements. There isn’t an inspection process that runs to validate whether your model’s logic requires everything that is stated as an import. It is highly recommended to prune your imports within these scripts to only include the minimal required import statements that your model requires to function. Having excessive imports of large packages will introduce installation delays when loading or deploying your model as well as increased memory pressure in your deployed inference environment.

Logging using Models From Code

When logging models from a defined Python file, you will encounter some slight differences between the legacy model serialization process of supplying an object reference.

I accidentally included an API Key in my script. What do I do?

Due to the fact that the models from code feature stores your script definition in plain text, completely visible within the MLflow UI’s artifact viewer, including sensitive data such as access keys or other authorization-based secrets is a security risk. If you have accidentally left a sensitive key defined directly in your script when logging your model, it is advisable to:

  1. Delete the MLflow run that contains the leaked key. You can do this via the UI or through the delete_run API.

  2. Delete the artifacts associated with the run. You can do this via the mlflow gc cli command.

  3. Rotate your sensitive keys by generating a new key and deleting the leaked secret from the source system administration interface.

  4. Re-log the model to a new run, making sure to not set sensitive keys in your model definition script.

Why is my model getting executed when I log it?

In order to validate that the code is executable within the python file that defines a model, MLflow will instantiate the object that is defined as a model within the set_model API. If you have external calls that are made during the initialization of your model, these will be made to ensure that your code is executable prior to logging. If such calls require authenticated access to services, please ensure that the environment that you are logging your model from has the appropriate authentication configured so that your code can run.

Additional Resources

For additional related context topics that can enhance your understanding of MLflow’s “Models From Code” feature, consider exploring the following sections in the MLflow documentation: