MLflow LangChain Flavor


The langchain flavor is under active development and is marked as Experimental. Public APIs are subject to change, and new features may be added as the flavor evolves.

Welcome to the developer guide for the integration of LangChain with MLflow. This guide serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding and leveraging the combined capabilities of LangChain and MLflow in developing advanced language model applications.

LangChain is a versatile framework designed for building applications powered by language models. It excels in creating context-aware applications that utilize language models for reasoning and generating responses, enabling the development of sophisticated NLP applications.

Why use MLflow with LangChain?

Aside from the benefits of using MLflow for managing and deploying machine learning models, the integration of LangChain with MLflow provides a number of benefits that are associated with using LangChain within the broader MLflow ecosystem.

Experiment Tracking

LangChain’s flexibility in experimenting with various agents, tools, and retrievers becomes even more powerful when paired with MLflow Tracking. This combination allows for rapid experimentation and iteration. You can effortlessly compare runs, making it easier to refine models and accelerate the journey from development to production deployment.

Dependency Management

Deploy your LangChain application with confidence, leveraging MLflow’s ability to manage and record all external dependencies automatically. This ensures consistency between development and production environments, reducing deployment risks with less manual intervention.

MLflow Evaluate

MLflow Evaluate provides native capabilities within MLflow to evaluate language models. With this feature you can easily utilize automated evaluation algorithms on the results of your LangChain application’s inference results. This capability facilitates the efficient assessment of inference results from your LangChain application, ensuring robust performance analytics.


MLflow Tracing is a new feature of MLflow that allows you to trace how data flows through your LangChain chain/agents/etc. This feature provides a visual representation of the data flow, making it easier to understand the behavior of your LangChain application and identify potential bottlenecks or issues. With its powerful Automatic Tracing capability, you can instrument your LangChain application without any code change but just running mlflow.langchain.autolog() command once.

Automatic Logging

Autologging is a powerful one stop solution to achieve all the above benefits with just one line of code mlflow.langchain.autolog(). By enabling autologging, you can automatically log all the components of your LangChain application, including chains, agents, and retrievers, with minimal effort. This feature simplifies the process of tracking and managing your LangChain application, allowing you to focus on developing and improving your models. For more information on how to use this feature, refer to the MLflow LangChain Autologging Documentation.

Supported Elements in MLflow LangChain Integration


Logging chains/agents that include ChatOpenAI and AzureChatOpenAI requires MLflow>=2.12.0 and LangChain>=0.0.307.

Overview of Chains, Agents, and Retrievers

Sequences of actions or steps hardcoded in code. Chains in LangChain combine various components like prompts, models, and output parsers to create a flow of processing steps.

The figure below shows an example of interfacing directly with a SaaS LLM via API calls with no context to the history of the conversation in the top portion. The bottom portion shows the same queries being submitted to a LangChain chain that incorporates a conversation history state such that the entire conversation’s history is included with each subsequent input. Preserving conversational context in this manner is key to creating a “chat bot”.

The importance of stateful storage of conversation history for chat applications

Getting Started with the MLflow LangChain Flavor - Tutorials and Guides

Introductory Tutorial

In this introductory tutorial, you will learn the most fundamental components of LangChain and how to leverage the integration with MLflow to store, retrieve, and use a chain.

Advanced Tutorials

In these tutorials, you can learn about more complex usages of LangChain with MLflow. It is highly advised to read through the introductory tutorial prior to exploring these more advanced use cases.

Detailed Documentation

To learn more about the details of the MLflow LangChain flavor, read the detailed guide below.

View the Comprehensive Guide


I can’t load my chain!

  • Allowing for Dangerous Deserialization: Pickle opt-in logic in LangChain will prevent components from being loaded via MLflow. You might see an error like this:

    ValueError: This code relies on the pickle module. You will need to set allow_dangerous_deserialization=True if you want to opt-in to
    allow deserialization of data using pickle. Data can be compromised by a malicious actor if not handled properly to include a malicious
    payload that when deserialized with pickle can execute arbitrary code on your machine.

    A change within LangChain that forces users to opt-in to pickle deserialization can create some issues with loading chains, vector stores, retrievers, and agents that have been logged using MLflow. Because the option is not exposed per component to set this argument on the loader function, you will need to ensure that you are setting this option directly within the defined loader function when logging the model. LangChain components that do not set this value will be saved without issue, but a ValueError will be raised when loading if unset.

    To fix this, simply re-log your model, specifying the option allow_dangerous_deserialization=True in your defined loader function. See the tutorial for LangChain retrievers for an example of specifying this option when logging a FAISS vector store instance within a loader_fn declaration.

I can’t save my chain, agent, or retriever with MLflow.


If you’re encountering issues with logging or saving LangChain components with MLflow, see the models from code feature documentation to determine if logging your model from a script file provides a simpler and more robust logging solution!

  • Serialization Challenges with Cloudpickle: Serialization with cloudpickle can encounter limitations depending on the complexity of the objects.

    Some objects, especially those with intricate internal states or dependencies on external system resources, are not inherently pickleable. This limitation arises because serialization essentially requires converting an object to a byte stream, which can be complex for objects tightly coupled with system states or those having external I/O operations. Try upgrading PyDantic to 2.x version to resolve this issue.

  • Verifying Native Serialization Support: Ensure that the langchain object (chain, agent, or retriever) is serializable natively using langchain APIs if saving or logging with MLflow doesn’t work.

    Due to their complex structures, not all langchain components are readily serializable. If native serialization is not supported and MLflow doesn’t support saving the model, you can file an issue in the LangChain repository or ask for guidance in the LangChain Discussions board.

  • Keeping Up with New Features in MLflow: MLflow might not immediately support the latest LangChain features immediately.

    If a new feature is not supported in MLflow, consider filing a feature request on the MLflow GitHub issues page. With the rapid pace of changes in libraries that are in heavy active development (such as LangChain’s release velocity), breaking changes, API refactoring, and fundamental functionality support for even existing features can cause integration issues. If there is a chain, agent, retriever, or any future structure within LangChain that you’d like to see supported, please let us know!

I’m getting an AttributeError when saving my model

  • Handling Dependency Installation in LangChain and MLflow: LangChain and MLflow do not automatically install all dependencies.

    Other packages that might be required for specific agents, retrievers, or tools may need to be explicitly defined when saving or logging your model. If your model relies on these external component libraries (particularly for tools) that not included in the standard LangChain package, these dependencies will not be automatically logged as part of the model at all times (see below for guidance on how to include them).

  • Declaring Extra Dependencies: Use the extra_pip_requirements parameter when saving and logging.

    When saving or logging your model that contains external dependencies that are not part of the core langchain installation, you will need these additional dependencies. The model flavor contains two options for declaring these dependencies: extra_pip_requirements and pip_requirements. While specifying pip_requirements is entirely valid, we recommend using extra_pip_requirements as it does not rely on defining all of the core dependent packages that are required to use the langchain model for inference (the other core dependencies will be inferred automatically).

How can I use a streaming API with LangChain?

  • Streaming with LangChain Models: Ensure that the LangChain model supports a streaming response and use an MLflow version >= 2.12.2.

    As of the MLflow 2.12.2 release, LangChain models that support streaming responses that have been saved using MLflow 2.12.2 (or higher) can be loaded and used for streamable inference using the predict_stream API. Ensure that you are consuming the return type correctly, as the return from these models is a Generator object. To learn more, refer to the predict_stream guide.

How can I log my chain from code?

  • Models from Code: MLflow 2.12.2 introduced the ability to log LangChain models directly from a code definition.

    In order to use this feature, you will utilize the mlflow.models.set_model() API to define the chain that you would like to log as an MLflow model. After having this set within your code that defines your chain, when logging your model, you will specify the path to the file that defines your chain.

    For example, here is a simple chain defined in a file named

    import os
    from operator import itemgetter
    from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
    from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
    from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableLambda
    from langchain_openai import OpenAI
    import mlflow
    mlflow.set_experiment("Homework Helper")
    prompt = PromptTemplate(
        template="You are a helpful tutor that evaluates my homework assignments and provides suggestions on areas for me to study further."
        " Here is the question: {question} and my answer which I got wrong: {answer}",
        input_variables=["question", "answer"],
    def get_question(input):
        default = "What is your name?"
        if isinstance(input_data[0], dict):
            return input_data[0].get("content").get("question", default)
        return default
    def get_answer(input):
        default = "My name is Bobo"
        if isinstance(input_data[0], dict):
            return input_data[0].get("content").get("answer", default)
        return default
    model = OpenAI(temperature=0.95)
    chain = (
            "question": itemgetter("messages") | RunnableLambda(get_question),
            "answer": itemgetter("messages") | RunnableLambda(get_answer),
        | prompt
        | model
        | StrOutputParser()

    From a different file (in this case, a Jupyter Notebook), logging the model directly via supplying the path to the file that defines the chain:

    from pprint import pprint
    import mlflow
    chain_path = ""
    with mlflow.start_run():
        info = mlflow.langchain.log_model(lc_model=chain_path, artifact_path="chain")
    # Load the model and run inference
    homework_chain = mlflow.langchain.load_model(model_uri=info.model_uri)
    exam_question = {
        "messages": [
                "role": "user",
                "content": {
                    "question": "What is the primary function of control rods in a nuclear reactor?",
                    "answer": "To stir the primary coolant so that the neutrons are mixed well.",
    response = homework_chain.invoke(exam_question)

    The model will be logged as a script within the MLflow UI:

    Logging a LangChain model from a code script file