Backend Stores

The backend store is a core component in MLflow Tracking where MLflow stores metadata for Runs and experiments such as:

  • Run ID

  • Start & end time

  • Parameters

  • Metrics

  • Code version (only if you launch runs from an MLflow Project).

  • Source file name (only if you launch runs from an MLflow Project).

Note that large model artifacts such as model weight files are stored in artifact store.

Configure Backend Store

By default, MLflow stores metadata in local files in the ./mlruns directory, but MLflow can store metadata to databases as well. You can configure the location by passing the desired tracking URI to MLflow, via either of the following methods:

  • Set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable.

  • Call mlflow.set_tracking_uri() in your code.

  • If you are running a Tracking Server, you can set the tracking_uri option when starting the server, like mlflow server --backend-store-uri sqlite:///mydb.sqlite

Continue to the next section for the supported format of tracking URLs. Also visit this guidance for how to set up the backend store properly for your workflow.

Supported Store Types

MLflow supports the following types of tracking URI for backend stores:

  • Local file path (specified as file:/my/local/dir), where data is just directly stored locally to a system disk where your code is executing.

  • A Database, encoded as <dialect>+<driver>://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>. MLflow supports the dialects mysql, mssql, sqlite, and postgresql. For more details, see SQLAlchemy database uri.

  • HTTP server (specified as https://my-server:5000), which is a server hosting an MLflow tracking server.

  • Databricks workspace (specified as databricks or as databricks://<profileName>, a Databricks CLI profile). Refer to Access the MLflow tracking server from outside Databricks [AWS] [Azure], or the quickstart to easily get started with hosted MLflow on Databricks Community Edition.


In order to use Model Registry functionality, you must run your server using a database-backed store. See this FAQ for more information.


mlflow server will fail against a database-backed store with an out-of-date database schema. To prevent this, upgrade your database schema to the latest supported version using mlflow db upgrade [db_uri]. Schema migrations can result in database downtime, may take longer on larger databases, and are not guaranteed to be transactional. You should always take a backup of your database prior to running mlflow db upgrade - consult your database’s documentation for instructions on taking a backup.


In Sep 2023, we increased the max length for params recorded in a Run from 500 to 8k (but we limit param value max length to 6000 internally). mlflow/2d6e25af4d3e_increase_max_param_val_length is a non-invertible migration script that increases the cap in existing database to 8k . Please be careful if you want to upgrade and backup your database before upgrading.

Deletion Behavior

In order to allow MLflow Runs to be restored, Run metadata and artifacts are not automatically removed from the backend store or artifact store when a Run is deleted. The mlflow gc CLI is provided for permanently removing Run metadata and artifacts for deleted runs.

SQLAlchemy Options

You can inject some SQLAlchemy connection pooling options using environment variables.

MLflow Environment Variable

SQLAlchemy QueuePool Option







File Store Performance

MLflow will automatically try to use LibYAML bindings if they are already installed. However, if you notice any performance issues when using file store backend, it could mean LibYAML is not installed on your system. On Linux or Mac you can easily install it using your system package manager:

# On Ubuntu/Debian
apt-get install libyaml-cpp-dev libyaml-dev

# On macOS using Homebrew
brew install yaml-cpp libyaml

After installing LibYAML, you need to reinstall PyYAML:

# Reinstall PyYAML
pip --no-cache-dir install --force-reinstall -I pyyaml