MLflow Model Signatures and Input Examples Guide

Introduction to Model Signatures and Input Examples

In MLflow, the concepts of Model Signature and Model Input Example are essential for effectively working with machine learning models. These components do more than just provide metadata; they establish crucial guidelines for model interaction, enhancing integration and usability within MLflow’s ecosystem.

Model Signature

The Model Signature in MLflow is integral to the clear and accurate operation of models. It defines the expected format for model inputs and outputs, including any additional parameters needed for inference. This specification acts as a definitive guide, ensuring seamless model integration with MLflow’s tools and external services.

Model Input Example

Complementing the Model Signature, the Model Input Example gives a concrete instance of what valid model input looks like. This hands-on example is invaluable for developers, offering a clear understanding of the required data format and structure for effective model testing and real-world application.

Why are these important?


Model signatures and input examples are foundational to robust ML workflows, offering a blueprint for model interactions that ensures consistency, accuracy, and ease of use. They act as a contract between the model and its users, providing a definitive guide to the expected data format, thus preventing miscommunication and errors that can arise from incorrect or unexpected inputs.

Model Signature

In MLflow, a model signature precisely defines the schema for model inputs, outputs, and any additional parameters required for effective model operation. This definition serves as a uniform interface, guiding users in the appropriate and accurate use of their models. Model signatures are integral to the MLflow ecosystem, enabling both the MLflow Tracking UI and Model Registry UI to clearly display the model’s required inputs, outputs, and parameters. Additionally, MLflow model deployment tools utilize these signatures to ensure that the data used at inference aligns with the model’s established specifications, thus maintaining the model’s integrity and performance. For more insights into how these signatures enforce data accuracy, see the Signature enforcement section.

Embedding a signature in your model is a straightforward process in MLflow. When using functions like sklearn.log_model() to log or save a model, simply include a model input example. This action enables MLflow to automatically infer the model’s signature. Detailed instructions on this process can be found in the How to log models with signatures section. The inferred signatures, along with other essential model metadata, are stored in a JSON format within the MLmodel file of your model artifacts. If there’s a need to add a signature to a model that has already been logged or saved, the set_signature() API is available for this purpose. Consult the How to set signatures on models section for a detailed guide on implementing this functionality.

Model Signature Components

The structure of a model signature in MLflow is composed of three distinct schema types: (1) inputs, (2) outputs, and (3) parameters (params). The inputs and outputs schemas specify the data structure that the model expects to receive and produce, respectively. These can be tailored to handle a variety of data formats, including columnar data and tensors, as well as Array and Object type inputs, catering to the diverse needs of different models.

Parameters (params), on the other hand, refer to the additional, often optional, parameters that are crucial during the model’s inference stage. These parameters provide added flexibility, allowing for fine-tuning and customization of the inference process.


The capability to handle Objects and Arrays in model signatures was introduced in MLflow version 2.10.0 and onwards. In versions prior to 2.10.0, column-based signatures were limited to scalar input types and certain conditional types specific to lists and dictionary inputs, with support primarily for the transformers flavor. This enhancement in later versions significantly broadens the scope of data types and structures that MLflow can seamlessly accommodate.

Signature Playground

In order to aid in understanding how data structures will be automatically inferred as a valid signature, as well as to provide extensive examples of valid signatures, we’ve created a notebook that you can view, showing different examples and their resulting inferred signatures. You can view the notebook here.

Alternatively, if you’d like to download the notebook locally and test it out with your own data structures, you can download it below.

Download the Signature Playground Notebook

Required vs. Optional Input fields

There are certain conditions that determine enforcement of signatures that are important to consider when defining your model signatures. One of the most notable is the concept of required vs. optional with regards to input data.

Required fields are those that must be present in the input data in order for the model to be able to make a prediction. If a required field is missing, the signature enforcement validation will raise an exception stating that the required input field is missing.

In order to configure a field as optional, you must pass in a value of None or np.nan for that field when using the mlflow.models.infer_signature() function. Alternatively, you can manually define the signature and set the required field to false for that field.

Model Signature Types

MLflow supports two primary types of signatures: a column-based signature for tabular-based data, and a tensor-based signature for tensor data.

Column-based Signatures

Column-based signatures are commonly utilized in traditional machine learning models that require tabular data inputs, such as a Pandas DataFrame. These signatures consist of a series of columns, each potentially having a name and a specified data type. The type of each column in both input and output corresponds to one of the supported data types, and columns can be optionally named. Additionally, columns in the input schema can be designated as optional, indicating that their inclusion in the model’s input is not mandatory and they can be left out if necessary (see Optional Column for more details).

Supported Data Types

Column-based signatures support data primitives defined within the MLflow DataType specification:

  • string

  • integer 1

  • long

  • float

  • double

  • boolean

  • datetime

Input (Python)

Inferred Signature

from mlflow.models import infer_signature

     "long_col": 1,
     "str_col": "a",
      "bool_col": True
    input: '[
        {"name": "long_col", "type": "long",    "required": "true"},
        {"name": "str_col",  "type": "string",  "required": "true"},
        {"name": "bool_col", "type": "boolean", "required": "true"}
    output: null
    params: null


1 Python often represents missing values in integer data as floats, causing type variability in integer columns and potential schema enforcement errors in MLflow. To avoid such issues, particularly when using Python in MLflow for model serving and Spark deployments, define integer columns with missing values as doubles (float64).

Column-based signature also support composite data types of these primitives.

  • Array (list, numpy arrays)

  • Spark ML vector (it inherits Array[double] type)

  • Object (dictionary)


  • Support for Array and Object types was introduced in MLflow version 2.10.0. These types will not be recognized in previous versions of MLflow. If you are saving a model that uses these signature types, you should ensure that any other environment that attempts to load these models has a version of MLflow installed that is at least 2.10.0.

  • Support for Spark ML vector type was introduced in MLflow version 2.15.0, These type will not be recognized in previous versions of MLflow.

Additional examples for composite data types can be seen by viewing the signature examples notebook.

Input (Python)

Inferred Signature

from mlflow.models import infer_signature

    # Python list
    "list_col": ["a", "b", "c"],
    # Numpy array
    "numpy_col": np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]),
    # Dictionary
    "obj_col": {
        "long_prop": 1,
         "array_prop": ["a", "b", "c"],
    input: '[
         {"list_col": Array(string) (required)},
         {"numpy_col": Array(Array(long)) (required)},
         {"obj_col": {array_prop: Array(string) (required), long_prop: long (required)} (required)}
    output: null
    params: null

Optional Column

Columns that contain None or np.nan values within the input data will be inferred as optional (i.e. required=False)

Input (Python)

Inferred Signature

from mlflow.models import infer_signature

        "col": [1.0, 2.0, None]
    input: '[
        {"name": "col", "type": "double", "required": false}
    output: null
    params: null


Nested arrays can contain an empty list, and it does not make the column optional as it represents an empty set (∅). In such case, the schema will be inferred from the other elements of the list, assuming they have homogeneous types. If you want to make a column optional, pass None instead.

Input (Python)

Inferred Signature

    "list_with_empty": [["a", "b"], []],
    "list_with_none": [["a", "b"], None],
    input: '[
        {"name": "list_with_empty", "type": "Array(str)", "required": "true" },
        {"name": "list_with_none" , "type": "Array(str)", "required": "false"},
    output: null
    params: null

Tensor-based Signatures

Tensor-based signatures are primarily employed in models that process tensor inputs, commonly found in deep learning applications involving images, audio data, and similar formats. These schemas consist of sequences of tensors, each potentially named and defined by a specific numpy data type.

In a tensor-based signature, each input and output tensor is characterized by three attributes: a dtype (data type, aligning with numpy data types), a shape, and an optional name. It’s important to note that tensor-based signatures do not accommodate optional inputs. The shape attribute often uses -1 for any dimension whose size may vary, commonly seen in batch processing.

Consider a classification model trained on the MNIST dataset. An example of its model signature would feature an input tensor representing an image as a 28 × 28 × 1 array of float32 numbers. The model’s output might be a tensor signifying the probability for each of the 10 target classes. In such cases, the first dimension, representing the batch size, is typically set to -1, allowing the model to handle batches of varying sizes.

    inputs: '[{"name": "images", "type": "tensor", "tensor-spec": {"dtype": "uint8", "shape": [-1, 28, 28, 1]}}]'
    outputs: '[{"type": "tensor", "tensor-spec": {"shape": [-1, 10], "dtype": "float32"}}]'
    params: null

Supported Data Types

Tensor-based schemas support numpy data types.

Input (Python)

Inferred Signature

from mlflow.models import infer_signature

    [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]],
    [[7, 8, 9], [1, 2, 3]],
    input: '[{"type": "tensor", "tensor-spec": {"dtype": "int64", "shape": [-1, 2, 3]}}]'
    output: None
    params: None


Tensor-based schemas do not support optional inputs. You can pass an array with None or np.nan values, but the schema doesn’t flag them as optional.

Model Signatures with Inference Params

Inference parameters (or ‘params’) are additional settings passed to models during the inference stage. Common examples include parameters like temperature and max_length in Language Learning Models (LLMs). These params, not typically required during training, play a crucial role in tailoring the behavior of a model at the time of inference. This kind of configuration becomes increasingly important with foundational models, as the same model might need different parameter settings for various inference scenarios.

MLflow’s 2.6.0 release introduced the specification of a dictionary of inference params during model inference. This feature enhances the flexibility and control over the inference outcomes, enabling more nuanced model behavior adjustments.

To leverage params at inference time, they must be incorporated into the Model Signature. The schema for params is defined as a sequence of ParamSpec elements, each comprising:

  • name: The identifier of the parameter, e.g., temperature.

  • type: The data type of the parameter, which must align with one of the supported data types.

  • default: The default value for the parameter, ensuring a fallback option if a specific value isn’t provided.

  • shape: The shape of the parameter, typically None for scalar values and (-1,) for lists.

This feature marks a significant advancement in how MLflow handles model inference, offering a more dynamic and adaptable approach to model parameterization.

    inputs: '[{"name": "input", "type": "string"}]'
    outputs: '[{"name": "output", "type": "string"}]'
    params: '[
            "name": "temperature",
            "type": "float",
            "default": 0.5,
            "shape": null
            "name": "suppress_tokens",
            "type": "integer",
            "default": [101, 102],
             "shape": [-1]

The inference parameters are supplied to the model in the form of a dictionary during the inference stage. Each parameter value is subject to validation to ensure it matches the type specified in the model’s signature. The example below illustrates the process of defining parameters within a model signature and demonstrates their application in model inference.

import mlflow
from mlflow.models import infer_signature

class MyModel(mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel):
    def predict(self, ctx, model_input, params):
        return list(params.values())

params = {"temperature": 0.5, "suppress_tokens": [101, 102]}
# params' default values are saved with ModelSignature
signature = infer_signature(["input"], params=params)

with mlflow.start_run():
    model_info = mlflow.pyfunc.log_model(
        python_model=MyModel(), artifact_path="my_model", signature=signature

loaded_model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_info.model_uri)

# Not passing params -- predict with default values
loaded_predict = loaded_model.predict(["input"])
assert loaded_predict == [0.5, [101, 102]]

# Passing some params -- override passed-in params
loaded_predict = loaded_model.predict(["input"], params={"temperature": 0.1})
assert loaded_predict == [0.1, [101, 102]]

# Passing all params -- override all params
loaded_predict = loaded_model.predict(
    ["input"], params={"temperature": 0.5, "suppress_tokens": [103]}
assert loaded_predict == [0.5, [103]]

Supported Data Types for Params

Parameters in MLflow are defined to accept values of the MLflow DataType, including a one-dimensional list of these data types. Currently, MLflow supports only 1D lists for parameters.


When validating param values, the values will be converted to python native types. For example, np.float32(0.1) will be converted to float(0.1).

Signature Enforcement

MLflow’s schema enforcement rigorously validates the provided inputs and parameters against the model’s signature. It raises an exception if the inputs are incompatible and either issues a warning or raises an exception for incompatible parameters. This enforcement is applied prior to invoking the underlying model implementation and throughout the model inference process. Note, however, that this enforcement is specific to scenarios where MLflow model deployment tools are used or when models are loaded as python_function. It does not apply to models loaded in their native format, such as through mlflow.sklearn.load_model().


Name Ordering Enforcement

In MLflow, input names are verified against the model signature. Missing required inputs trigger an exception, whereas missing optional inputs do not. Inputs not declared in the signature are disregarded. When the input schema in the signature specifies input names, matching is conducted by name, and inputs are reordered accordingly. If the schema lacks input names, matching is based on the order of inputs, with MLflow checking only the number of inputs provided.

Input Type Enforcement

MLflow enforces input types as defined in the model’s signature. For column-based signature models (such as those using DataFrame inputs), MLflow performs safe type conversions where necessary, allowing only lossless conversions. For example, converting int to long or int to double is permissible, but converting long to double is not. In cases where types cannot be made compatible, MLflow will raise an error.

For Pyspark DataFrame inputs, MLflow casts a sample of the PySpark DataFrame into a Pandas DataFrame. MLflow will only enforce the schema on a subset of the data rows.

For tensor-based signature models, type checking is more stringent. An exception is thrown if the input type does not align with the schema-specified type.

Params Type and Shape Enforcement

In MLflow, the types and shapes of parameters (params) are meticulously checked against the model’s signature. During inference, each parameter’s type and shape are validated to ensure they align with the specifications in the signature. Scalar values are expected to have a shape of None, while list values should have a shape of (-1,). If a parameter’s type or shape is found to be incompatible, MLflow raises an exception. Additionally, the parameter’s value undergoes a validation check against its designated type in the signature. If the conversion to the specified type fails, an MlflowException is triggered. For a comprehensive list of valid params, refer to the Model Inference Params section.


Models with signatures that receive undeclared params during inference will trigger a warning for each request, and any invalid params will be disregarded.

Handling Integers With Missing Values

In Python, integer data with missing values is often represented as floats. This leads to variability in the data types of integer columns, potentially causing schema enforcement errors during runtime, as integers and floats are not inherently compatible. For instance, if a column ‘c’ in your training data is entirely integers, it will be recognized as such. However, if a missing value is introduced in ‘c’, it will be represented as a float. If the model’s signature expects ‘c’ to be an integer, MLflow will raise an error due to the inability to convert float to int. To mitigate this issue, especially since MLflow uses Python for model serving and Spark deployments, it’s advisable to define integer columns with missing values as doubles (float64).

Handling Date and Timestamp

Python’s datetime types come with built-in precision, such as datetime64[D] for day precision and datetime64[ns] for nanosecond precision. While this precision detail is disregarded in column-based model signatures, it is enforced in tensor-based signatures.

Handling Ragged Arrays

Ragged arrays in numpy, characterized by a shape of (-1,) and a dtype of object, are automatically managed when using infer_signature. This results in a signature like Tensor('object', (-1,)). For a more detailed representation, a signature can be manually created to reflect the specific nature of a ragged array, such as Tensor('float64', (-1, -1, -1, 3)). Enforcement is then applied as detailed in the signature, accommodating ragged input arrays.

How To Log Models With Signatures

Including a signature with your model in MLflow is straightforward. Simply provide a model input example when making a call to either the log_model or save_model functions, such as with sklearn.log_model(). MLflow will then automatically infer the model’s signature based on this input example and the model’s predicted output for the given example.

Alternatively, you can explicitly attach a signature object to your model. This is done by passing a signature object to your log_model or save_model function. You can manually create a model signature object or use the infer_signature function to generate it from datasets with valid model inputs (for instance, a training dataset minus the target column), valid model outputs (such as predictions made on the training dataset), and valid model parameters (like a dictionary of parameters used for model inference, commonly seen in Generation Configs for transformers).


Model signatures play a crucial role in MLflow model deployment tools, particularly for serving models in the Python Function (PyFunc) flavor. Therefore, when attaching a signature to your log_model or save_model call, it’s important to ensure that the signature accurately reflects the inputs and outputs expected by the model’s PyFunc representation. This consideration becomes especially significant if the model’s input schema, when loaded as a PyFunc, differs from that of the dataset used for testing (an example of this scenario is with the pmdarima model flavor).

Column-based Signature Example

The following example demonstrates how to store a model signature for a simple classifier trained on the Iris dataset:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import mlflow

iris = datasets.load_iris()
iris_train = pd.DataFrame(, columns=iris.feature_names)
clf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=7, random_state=0)

with mlflow.start_run():,
    # Take the first row of the training dataset as the model input example.
    input_example = iris_train.iloc[[0]]
    # The signature is automatically inferred from the input example and its predicted output.
    mlflow.sklearn.log_model(clf, "iris_rf", input_example=input_example)

The same signature can be explicitly created and logged as follows:

from mlflow.models import ModelSignature, infer_signature
from mlflow.types.schema import Schema, ColSpec

# Option 1: Manually construct the signature object
input_schema = Schema(
        ColSpec("double", "sepal length (cm)"),
        ColSpec("double", "sepal width (cm)"),
        ColSpec("double", "petal length (cm)"),
        ColSpec("double", "petal width (cm)"),
output_schema = Schema([ColSpec("long")])
signature = ModelSignature(inputs=input_schema, outputs=output_schema)

# Option 2: Infer the signature
signature = infer_signature(iris_train, clf.predict(iris_train))

with mlflow.start_run():
    mlflow.sklearn.log_model(clf, "iris_rf", signature=signature)

Tensor-based Signature Example

The following example demonstrates how to store a model signature for a simple classifier trained on the MNIST dataset:

import tensorflow as tf
import mlflow

mnist = tf.keras.datasets.mnist
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
x_train, x_test = x_train / 255.0, x_test / 255.0

model = tf.keras.models.Sequential(
        tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)),
        tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation="relu"),
loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss=loss_fn, metrics=["accuracy"])

with mlflow.start_run():, y_train, epochs=5)
    # Take the first three training examples as the model input example.
    input_example = x_train[:3, :]
    mlflow.tensorflow.log_model(model, "mnist_cnn", input_example=input_example)

The same signature can be explicitly created and logged as follows:

import numpy as np
from mlflow.models import ModelSignature, infer_signature
from mlflow.types.schema import Schema, TensorSpec

# Option 1: Manually construct the signature object
input_schema = Schema(
        TensorSpec(np.dtype(np.float64), (-1, 28, 28, 1)),
output_schema = Schema([TensorSpec(np.dtype(np.float32), (-1, 10))])
signature = ModelSignature(inputs=input_schema, outputs=output_schema)

# Option 2: Infer the signature
signature = infer_signature(testX, model.predict(testX))

with mlflow.start_run():
    mlflow.tensorflow.log_model(model, "mnist_cnn", signature=signature)

Signature with params Example

The following example demonstrates how to store a model signature with params for a simple transformers model:

import mlflow
from mlflow.models import infer_signature
import transformers

architecture = "mrm8488/t5-base-finetuned-common_gen"
model = transformers.pipeline(
data = "pencil draw paper"

params = {
    "top_k": 2,
    "num_beams": 5,
    "max_length": 30,
    "temperature": 0.62,
    "top_p": 0.85,
    "repetition_penalty": 1.15,
    "begin_suppress_tokens": [1, 2, 3],

# infer signature with params
signature = infer_signature(
    mlflow.transformers.generate_signature_output(model, data),

# save model with signature
pyfunc_loaded = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model("text2text")

# predict with params
result = pyfunc_loaded.predict(data, params=params)

The same signature can be created explicitly as follows:

from mlflow.models import ModelSignature
from mlflow.types.schema import ColSpec, ParamSchema, ParamSpec, Schema

input_schema = Schema([ColSpec(type="string")])
output_schema = Schema([ColSpec(type="string")])
params_schema = ParamSchema(
        ParamSpec("top_k", "long", 2),
        ParamSpec("num_beams", "long", 5),
        ParamSpec("max_length", "long", 30),
        ParamSpec("temperature", "double", 0.62),
        ParamSpec("top_p", "double", 0.85),
        ParamSpec("repetition_penalty", "double", 1.15),
        ParamSpec("begin_suppress_tokens", "long", [1, 2, 3], (-1,)),
signature = ModelSignature(
    inputs=input_schema, outputs=output_schema, params=params_schema

How To Set Signatures on Models

Models can be saved without model signatures or with incorrect ones. To add or update a signature for an existing logged model, use the mlflow.models.set_signature() API. Below are some examples demonstrating its usage.

Setting a Signature on a Logged Model

The following example demonstrates how to set a model signature on an already-logged sklearn model. Suppose that you’ve logged a sklearn model without a signature like below:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import mlflow

X, y = datasets.load_iris(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
clf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=7, random_state=0)
with mlflow.start_run() as run:, y)
    mlflow.sklearn.log_model(clf, "iris_rf")

You can set a signature on the logged model as follows:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets
import mlflow
from mlflow.models.model import get_model_info
from mlflow.models import infer_signature, set_signature

# load the logged model
model_uri = f"runs:/{}/iris_rf"
model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_uri)

# construct the model signature from test dataset
X_test, _ = datasets.load_iris(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
signature = infer_signature(X_test, model.predict(X_test))

# set the signature for the logged model
set_signature(model_uri, signature)

# now when you load the model again, it will have the desired signature
assert get_model_info(model_uri).signature == signature

Note that model signatures can also be set on model artifacts saved outside of MLflow Tracking. For instance, you can easily set a signature on a locally saved iris model by altering the model_uri variable in the previous code snippet to point to the model’s local directory.

Setting a Signature on a Registered Model

As MLflow Model Registry artifacts are meant to be read-only, you cannot directly set a signature on a model version or model artifacts represented by models:/ URI schemes. Instead, you should first set the signature on the source model artifacts and generate a new model version using the updated model artifacts. The following example illustrates how this can be done.

Supposed you have created the following model version without a signature like below:

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import mlflow
from mlflow.client import MlflowClient

model_name = "add_signature_model"

with mlflow.start_run() as run:
    mlflow.sklearn.log_model(RandomForestClassifier(), "sklearn-model")

model_uri = f"runs:/{}/sklearn-model"
mlflow.register_model(model_uri=model_uri, name=model_name)

To set a signature on the model version, create a duplicate model version with the new signature as follows:

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import mlflow
from import ModelsArtifactRepository

client = mlflow.client.MlflowClient()
model_name = "add_signature_model"
model_version = 1
mv = client.get_model_version(name=model_name, version=model_version)

# set a dummy signature on the model version source
signature = infer_signature(np.array([1]))
set_signature(mv.source, signature)

# create a new model version with the updated source
client.create_model_version(name=model_name, source=mv.source, run_id=mv.run_id)

Note that this process overwrites the model artifacts from the source run of model version 1 with a new model signature.

Model Input Example

A model input example provides an instance of a valid model input. Input examples are stored with the model as separate artifacts and are referenced in the MLmodel file. To include an input example with your model, add it to the appropriate log_model call, e.g. sklearn.log_model(). Input examples are also used to infer model signatures in log_model calls when signatures aren’t specified.


Including an input example while logging a model offers dual benefits. Firstly, it aids in inferring the model’s signature. Secondly, and just as importantly, it validates the model’s requirements. This input example is utilized to execute a prediction using the model that is about to be logged, thereby enhancing the accuracy in identifying model requirement dependencies. It is highly recommended to always include an input example along with your models when you log them.

Since MLflow 2.16.0, when logging a model with an input example, there are two files saved into the model’s artifacts directory:

  • input_example.json: The input example in JSON format.

  • serving_input_example.json: The input example in JSON format, with additional transformation to have compatible schema for querying a deployed model REST endpoint.

The following example demonstrates the difference between the two files:

import mlflow

class MyModel(mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel):
    def predict(self, context, model_input, params=None):
        return model_input

with mlflow.start_run():
    model_info = mlflow.pyfunc.log_model(
        input_example={"question": "What is MLflow?"},

Example files logged by MLflow:

File name




  "question": "What is MLflow?"

The input example in its original format.


  "inputs": {
    "question": "What is MLflow?"

JSON-serialized version of the input example with one of the predefined keys (dataframe_split, instances, inputs or dataframe_records) that mlflow scoring server requires when querying a deployed model endpoint.


Prior to MLflow 2.16.0, dictionary input example was converted to Pandas DataFrame format when saving. In later versions, the input example is simply saved in its JSON serialized format. For pandas DataFrame, it is converted to dictionary format with to_dict(orient='split') and saved into json format. example_no_conversion parameter for langchain, openai, pyfunc and transformers flavors is no longer used and safe to be removed, it will be dropped in a future release.

Similar to model signatures, model inputs can be column-based (i.e DataFrames), tensor-based (i.e numpy.ndarrays) or json object (i.e python dictionary). We offer support for input_example with params by using tuple to combine model inputs and params. See examples below:

How To Log Model With Column-based Example

For models accepting column-based inputs, an example can be a single record or a batch of records. The sample input can be in the following formats:

  • Pandas DataFrame

The given example will be serialized to json using the Pandas split-oriented format. Bytes are base64-encoded. The following example demonstrates how you can log a column-based input example with your model:

import pandas as pd

input_example = pd.DataFrame(
            "sepal length (cm)": 5.1,
            "sepal width (cm)": 3.5,
            "petal length (cm)": 1.4,
            "petal width (cm)": 0.2,
mlflow.sklearn.log_model(..., input_example=input_example)

How To Log Models With a Tensor-based Example

For models accepting tensor-based inputs, an example must be a batch of inputs. By default, the axis 0 is the batch axis unless specified otherwise in the model signature. The sample input can be passed in as any of the following formats:

  • numpy ndarray

  • Python dict mapping a string to a numpy array

  • Scipy csr_matrix (sparse matrix)

  • Scipy csc_matrix (sparse matrix).

The following example demonstrates how you can log a tensor-based input example with your model:

# each input has shape (4, 4)
input_example = np.array(
        [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 134, 25, 56], [253, 242, 195, 6], [0, 93, 82, 82]],
        [[0, 23, 46, 0], [33, 13, 36, 166], [76, 75, 0, 255], [33, 44, 11, 82]],
mlflow.tensorflow.log_model(..., input_example=input_example)

How To Log Models Using a JSON Object Example

We support saving input example as it is if it’s a json-serializable format. The input example can be in the following formats:

  • dict (of scalars, strings, or lists of scalar values)

  • list

  • scalars

The following example demonstrates how you can log a json object input example with your model:

input_example = {
    "messages": [
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "What would you like to ask?"},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Who owns MLflow?"},
mlflow.langchain.log_model(..., input_example=input_example)

How To Log Model With an Example that Contains Params

For models that require additional parameters during inference, you can include an input_example containing params when saving or logging the model. To achieve this, the sample input should be provided as a tuple. The first element of the tuple is the input data example, and the second element is a dict of params. A comprehensive list of valid params is documented in Model Inference Params section.

  • Python tuple: (input_data, params)

The following example demonstrates how to log a model with an example containing params:

# input_example could be column-based or tensor-based example as shown above
# params must be a valid dictionary of params
input_data = "Hello, Dolly!"
params = {"temperature": 0.5, "top_k": 1}
input_example = (input_data, params)
mlflow.transformers.log_model(..., input_example=input_example)

Model Serving Payload Example

Once an MLflow model is deployed to a REST endpoint for inference, the request payload will be JSON serialized and may have subtle difference from in-memory representation. To validate your model works for inference, you can use the serving_input_example.json file. It is automatically logged along with the model when an input_example is provided and contains a json format of the given input example for querying a deployed model endpoint.

The following example demonstrates how to load the serving payload from a logged model:

import mlflow
from mlflow.models.utils import load_serving_example

input_example = {
    "messages": [
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "What would you like to ask?"},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Who owns MLflow?"},
model_info = mlflow.langchain.log_model(..., input_example=input_example)
print(f"model_uri: {model_info.model_uri}")
serving_example = load_serving_example(model_info.model_uri)
print(f"serving_example: {serving_example}")

You can validate the input example works prior to serving:

from mlflow.models import validate_serving_input

result = validate_serving_input(model_info.model_uri, serving_example)
print(f"prediction result: {result}")

Serve the model locally

mlflow models serve --model-uri "<YOUR_MODEL_URI>"

Validate model inference with the serving payload example

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d 'YOUR_SERVING_EXAMPLE'