🤗 Transformers within MLflow


The transformers flavor is in active development and is marked as Experimental. Public APIs may change and new features are subject to be added as additional functionality is brought to the flavor.

The transformers model flavor enables logging of transformers models, components, and pipelines in MLflow format via the mlflow.transformers.save_model() and mlflow.transformers.log_model() functions. Use of these functions also adds the python_function flavor to the MLflow Models that they produce, allowing the model to be interpreted as a generic Python function for inference via mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(). You can also use the mlflow.transformers.load_model() function to load a saved or logged MLflow Model with the transformers flavor in the native transformers formats.

This page explains the detailed features and configurations of the MLflow transformers flavor. For the general introduction about the MLflow’s Transformer integration, please refer to the MLflow Transformers Flavor page.

Loading a Transformers Model as a Python Function

Supported Transformers Pipeline types

The transformers python_function (pyfunc) model flavor simplifies and standardizes both the inputs and outputs of pipeline inference. This conformity allows for serving and batch inference by coercing the data structures that are required for transformers inference pipelines to formats that are compatible with json serialization and casting to Pandas DataFrames.


Certain TextGenerationPipeline types, particularly instructional-based ones, may return the original prompt and included line-formatting carriage returns “n” in their outputs. For these pipeline types, if you would like to disable the prompt return, you can set the following in the model_config dictionary when saving or logging the model: “include_prompt”: False. To remove the newline characters from within the body of the generated text output, you can add the “collapse_whitespace”: True option to the model_config dictionary. If the pipeline type being saved does not inherit from TextGenerationPipeline, these options will not perform any modification to the output returned from pipeline inference.


Not all transformers pipeline types are supported. See the table below for the list of currently supported Pipeline types that can be loaded as pyfunc.

In the current version, audio and text-based large language models are supported for use with pyfunc, while computer vision, multi-modal, timeseries, reinforcement learning, and graph models are only supported for native type loading via mlflow.transformers.load_model()

Future releases of MLflow will introduce pyfunc support for these additional types.

The table below shows the mapping of transformers pipeline types to the python_function (pyfunc) model flavor data type inputs and outputs.


The inputs and outputs of the pyfunc implementation of these pipelines are not guaranteed to match the input types and output types that would return from a native use of a given pipeline type. If your use case requires access to scores, top_k results, or other additional references within the output from a pipeline inference call, please use the native implementation by loading via mlflow.transformers.load_model() to receive the full output.

Similarly, if your use case requires the use of raw tensor outputs or processing of outputs through an external processor module, load the model components directly as a dict by calling mlflow.transformers.load_model() and specify the return_type argument as ‘components’.

Pipeline Type

Input Type

Output Type

Instructional Text Generation

str or List[str]



str or List[str]



str or List[str]


Text Classification

str or List[str]

pd.DataFrame (dtypes: {‘label’: str, ‘score’: double})

Text Generation

str or List[str]


Text2Text Generation

str or List[str]


Token Classification

str or List[str]



str or List[str]


ZeroShot Classification*

Dict[str, [List[str] | str]*

pd.DataFrame (dtypes: {‘sequence’: str, ‘labels’: str, ‘scores’: double})

Table Question Answering**

Dict[str, [List[str] | str]**


Question Answering***

Dict[str, str]***


Fill Mask****

str or List[str]****


Feature Extraction

str or List[str]



bytes*****, str, or np.ndarray



bytes*****, str, or np.ndarray

pd.DataFrame (dtypes: {‘label’: str, ‘score’: double})

* A collection of these inputs can also be passed. The standard required key names are ‘sequences’ and ‘candidate_labels’, but these may vary. Check the input requirments for the architecture that you’re using to ensure that the correct dictionary key names are provided.

** A collection of these inputs can also be passed. The reference table must be a json encoded dict (i.e. {‘query’: ‘what did we sell most of?’, ‘table’: json.dumps(table_as_dict)})

*** A collection of these inputs can also be passed. The standard required key names are ‘question’ and ‘context’. Verify the expected input key names match the expected input to the model to ensure your inference request can be read properly.

**** The mask syntax for the model that you’ve chosen is going to be specific to that model’s implementation. Some are ‘[MASK]’, while others are ‘<mask>’. Verify the expected syntax to avoid failed inference requests.

***** If using pyfunc in MLflow Model Serving for realtime inference, the raw audio in bytes format must be base64 encoded prior to submitting to the endpoint. String inputs will be interpreted as uri locations.

Example of loading a transformers model as a python function

In the below example, a simple pre-trained model is used within a pipeline. After logging to MLflow, the pipeline is loaded as a pyfunc and used to generate a response from a passed-in list of strings.

import mlflow
import transformers

# Read a pre-trained conversation pipeline from HuggingFace hub
conversational_pipeline = transformers.pipeline(model="microsoft/DialoGPT-medium")

# Define the signature
signature = mlflow.models.infer_signature(
    "Hi there, chatbot!",
        conversational_pipeline, "Hi there, chatbot!"

# Log the pipeline
with mlflow.start_run():
    model_info = mlflow.transformers.log_model(
        input_example="A clever and witty question",

# Load the saved pipeline as pyfunc
chatbot = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_uri=model_info.model_uri)

# Ask the chatbot a question
response = chatbot.predict("What is machine learning?")


# >> [It's a new thing that's been around for a while.]

Saving Prompt Templates with Transformer Pipelines


This feature is only available in MLflow 2.10.0 and above.

MLflow supports specifying prompt templates for certain pipeline types:

Prompt templates are strings that are used to format user inputs prior to pyfunc inference. To specify a prompt template, use the prompt_template argument when calling mlflow.transformers.save_model() or mlflow.transformers.log_model(). The prompt template must be a string with a single format placeholder, {prompt}.

For example:

import mlflow
from transformers import pipeline

# Initialize a pipeline. `distilgpt2` uses a "text-generation" pipeline
generator = pipeline(model="distilgpt2")

# Define a prompt template
prompt_template = "Answer the following question: {prompt}"

# Save the model

When the model is then loaded with mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(), the prompt template will be used to format user inputs before passing them into the pipeline:

import mlflow

# Load the model with pyfunc
model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model("path/to/model")

# The prompt template will be used to format this input, so the
# string that is passed to the text-generation pipeline will be:
# "Answer the following question: What is MLflow?"
model.predict("What is MLflow?")


text-generation pipelines with a prompt template will have the return_full_text pipeline argument set to False by default. This is to prevent the template from being shown to the users, which could potentially cause confusion as it was not part of their original input. To override this behaviour, either set return_full_text to True via params, or by including it in a model_config dict in log_model(). See this section for more details on how to do this.

For a more in-depth guide, check out the Prompt Templating notebook!

Using model_config and Model Signature Params for Inference

For transformers inference, there are two ways to pass in additional arguments to the pipeline.

  • Use model_config when saving/logging the model. Optionally, specify model_config when calling load_model.

  • Specify params at inference time when calling predict()

Use model_config to control how the model is loaded and inference performed for all input samples. Configuration in model_config is not overridable at predict() time unless a ModelSignature is indicated with the same parameters.

Use ModelSignature with params schema, on the other hand, to allow downstream consumers to provide additional inference params that may be needed to compute the predictions for their specific samples.


If both model_config and ModelSignature with parameters are saved when logging model, both of them will be used for inference. The default parameters in ModelSignature will override the params in model_config. If extra params are provided at inference time, they take precedence over all params. We recommend using model_config for those parameters needed to run the model in general for all the samples. Then, add ModelSignature with parameters for those extra parameters that you want downstream consumers to indicated at per each of the samples.

  • Using model_config

import mlflow
from mlflow.models import infer_signature
from mlflow.transformers import generate_signature_output
import transformers

architecture = "mrm8488/t5-base-finetuned-common_gen"
model = transformers.pipeline(
data = "pencil draw paper"

# Infer the signature
signature = infer_signature(
    generate_signature_output(model, data),

# Define an model_config
model_config = {
    "num_beams": 5,
    "max_length": 30,
    "do_sample": True,
    "remove_invalid_values": True,

# Saving model_config with the model

pyfunc_loaded = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model("text2text")
# model_config will be applied
result = pyfunc_loaded.predict(data)

# overriding some inference configuration with diferent values
pyfunc_loaded = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(
    "text2text", model_config=dict(do_sample=False)


Note that in the previous example, the user can’t override the configuration do_sample when calling predict.

  • Specifying params at inference time

import mlflow
from mlflow.models import infer_signature
from mlflow.transformers import generate_signature_output
import transformers

architecture = "mrm8488/t5-base-finetuned-common_gen"
model = transformers.pipeline(
data = "pencil draw paper"

# Define an model_config
model_config = {
    "num_beams": 5,
    "remove_invalid_values": True,

# Define the inference parameters params
inference_params = {
    "max_length": 30,
    "do_sample": True,

# Infer the signature including params
signature_with_params = infer_signature(
    generate_signature_output(model, data),

# Saving model with signature and model config

pyfunc_loaded = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model("text2text")

# Pass params at inference time
params = {
    "max_length": 20,
    "do_sample": False,

# In this case we only override max_length and do_sample,
# other params will use the default one saved on ModelSignature
# or in the model configuration.
# The final params used for prediction is as follows:
# {
#    "num_beams": 5,
#    "max_length": 20,
#    "do_sample": False,
#    "remove_invalid_values": True,
# }
result = pyfunc_loaded.predict(data, params=params)

Pipelines vs. Component Logging

The transformers flavor has two different primary mechanisms for saving and loading models: pipelines and components.


Saving transformers models with custom code (i.e. models that require trust_remote_code=True) requires transformers >= 4.26.0.


Pipelines, in the context of the Transformers library, are high-level objects that combine pre-trained models and tokenizers (as well as other components, depending on the task type) to perform a specific task. They abstract away much of the preprocessing and postprocessing work involved in using the models.

For example, a text classification pipeline would handle the tokenization of text, passing the tokens through a model, and then interpret the logits to produce a human-readable classification.

When logging a pipeline with MLflow, you’re essentially saving this high-level abstraction, which can be loaded and used directly for inference with minimal setup. This is ideal for end-to-end tasks where the preprocessing and postprocessing steps are standard for the task at hand.


Components refer to the individual parts that can make up a pipeline, such as the model itself, the tokenizer, and any additional processors, extractors, or configuration needed for a specific task. Logging components with MLflow allows for more flexibility and customization. You can log individual components when your project needs to have more control over the preprocessing and postprocessing steps or when you need to access the individual components in a bespoke manner that diverges from how the pipeline abstraction would call them.

For example, you might log the components separately if you have a custom tokenizer or if you want to apply some special postprocessing to the model outputs. When loading the components, you can then reconstruct the pipeline with your custom components or use the components individually as needed.


MLflow by default uses a 500 MB max_shard_size to save the model object in mlflow.transformers.save_model() or mlflow.transformers.log_model() APIs. You can use the environment variable MLFLOW_HUGGINGFACE_MODEL_MAX_SHARD_SIZE to override the value.


For component-based logging, the only requirement that must be met in the submitted dict is that a model is provided. All other elements of the dict are optional.

Logging a components-based model

The example below shows logging components of a transformers model via a dictionary mapping of specific named components. The names of the keys within the submitted dictionary must be in the set: {"model", "tokenizer", "feature_extractor", "image_processor"}. Processor type objects (some image processors, audio processors, and multi-modal processors) must be saved explicitly with the processor argument in the mlflow.transformers.save_model() or mlflow.transformers.log_model() APIs.

After logging, the components are automatically inserted into the appropriate Pipeline type for the task being performed and are returned, ready for inference.


The components that are logged can be retrieved in their original structure (a dictionary) by setting the attribute return_type to “components” in the load_model() API.


Not all model types are compatible with the pipeline API constructor via component elements. Incompatible models will raise an MLflowException error stating that the model is missing the name_or_path attribute. In the event that this occurs, please construct the model directly via the transformers.pipeline(<repo name>) API and save the pipeline object directly.

import mlflow
import transformers

task = "text-classification"
architecture = "distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english"
model = transformers.AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(architecture)
tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(architecture)

# Define the components of the model in a dictionary
transformers_model = {"model": model, "tokenizer": tokenizer}

# Log the model components
with mlflow.start_run():
    model_info = mlflow.transformers.log_model(

# Load the components as a pipeline
loaded_pipeline = mlflow.transformers.load_model(
    model_info.model_uri, return_type="pipeline"

# >> TextClassificationPipeline

loaded_pipeline(["MLflow is awesome!", "Transformers is a great library!"])

# >> [{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0.9998478889465332},
# >>  {'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0.9998030066490173}]

Saving a pipeline and loading components

Some use cases can benefit from the simplicity of defining a solution as a pipeline, but need the component-level access for performing a micro-services based deployment strategy where pre / post-processing is performed on containers that do not house the model itself. For this paradigm, a pipeline can be loaded as its constituent parts, as shown below.

import transformers
import mlflow

translation_pipeline = transformers.pipeline(
        "t5-small", model_max_length=100

with mlflow.start_run():
    model_info = mlflow.transformers.log_model(

translation_components = mlflow.transformers.load_model(
    model_info.model_uri, return_type="components"

for key, value in translation_components.items():
    print(f"{key} -> {type(value).__name__}")

# >> task -> str
# >> model -> T5ForConditionalGeneration
# >> tokenizer -> T5TokenizerFast

response = translation_pipeline("MLflow is great!")


# >> [{'translation_text': 'MLflow est formidable!'}]

reconstructed_pipeline = transformers.pipeline(**translation_components)

reconstructed_response = reconstructed_pipeline(
    "transformers makes using Deep Learning models easy and fun!"


# >> [{'translation_text': "Les transformateurs rendent l'utilisation de modèles Deep Learning facile et amusante!"}]

Automatic Metadata and ModelCard logging

In order to provide as much information as possible for saved models, the transformers flavor will automatically fetch the ModelCard for any model or pipeline that is saved that has a stored card on the HuggingFace hub. This card will be logged as part of the model artifact, viewable at the same directory level as the MLmodel file and the stored model object.

In addition to the ModelCard, the components that comprise any Pipeline (or the individual components if saving a dictionary of named components) will have their source types stored. The model type, pipeline type, task, and classes of any supplementary component (such as a Tokenizer or ImageProcessor) will be stored in the MLmodel file as well.

In order to preserve any attached legal requirements to the usage of any model that is hosted on the huggingface hub, a “best effort” attempt is made when logging a transformers model to retrieve and persist any license information. A file will be generated (LICENSE.txt) within the root of the model directory. Within this file you will either find a copy of a declared license, the name of a common license type that applies to the model’s use (i.e., ‘apache-2.0’, ‘mit’), or, in the event that license information was never submitted to the huggingface hub when uploading a model repository, a link to the repository for you to use in order to determine what restrictions exist regarding the use of the model.


Model license information was introduced in MLflow 2.10.0. Previous versions do not include license information for models.

Automatic Signature inference

For pipelines that support pyfunc, there are 3 means of attaching a model signature to the MLmodel file.

  • Provide a model signature explicitly via setting a valid ModelSignature to the signature attribute. This can be generated via the helper utility mlflow.transformers.generate_signature_output()

  • Provide an input_example. The signature will be inferred and validated that it matches the appropriate input type. The output type will be validated by performing inference automatically (if the model is a pyfunc supported type).

  • Do nothing. The transformers flavor will automatically apply the appropriate general signature that the pipeline type supports (only for a single-entity; collections will not be inferred).

Scale Inference with Overriding Pytorch dtype

A common configuration for lowering the total memory pressure for pytorch models within transformers pipelines is to modify the processing data type. This is achieved through setting the torch_dtype argument when creating a Pipeline. For a full reference of these tunable arguments for configuration of pipelines, see the training docs .


This feature does not exist in versions of transformers < 4.26.x

In order to apply these configurations to a saved or logged run, there are two options:

  • Save a pipeline with the torch_dtype argument set to the encoding type of your choice.


import transformers
import torch
import mlflow

task = "translation_en_to_fr"

my_pipeline = transformers.pipeline(
        "t5-small", model_max_length=100

with mlflow.start_run():
    model_info = mlflow.transformers.log_model(

# Illustrate that the torch data type is recorded in the flavor configuration


{'transformers_version': '4.28.1',
 'code': None,
 'task': 'translation_en_to_fr',
 'instance_type': 'TranslationPipeline',
 'source_model_name': 't5-small',
 'pipeline_model_type': 'T5ForConditionalGeneration',
 'framework': 'pt',
 'torch_dtype': 'torch.bfloat16',
 'tokenizer_type': 'T5TokenizerFast',
 'components': ['tokenizer'],
 'pipeline': 'pipeline'}
  • Specify the torch_dtype argument when loading the model to override any values set during logging or saving.


import transformers
import torch
import mlflow

task = "translation_en_to_fr"

my_pipeline = transformers.pipeline(
        "t5-small", model_max_length=100

with mlflow.start_run():
    model_info = mlflow.transformers.log_model(

loaded_pipeline = mlflow.transformers.load_model(
    model_info.model_uri, return_type="pipeline", torch_dtype=torch.float64





MLflow 2.12.1 slightly changed the torch_dtype extraction logic. Previously it depended on the torch_dtype attribute of the pipeline instance, but now it is extracted from the underlying model via dtype property. This enables MLflow to capture the dtype change of the model after pipeline instantiation.


Logging or saving a model in ‘components’ mode (using a dictionary to declare components) does not support setting the data type for a constructed pipeline. If you need to override the default behavior of how data is encoded, please save or log a pipeline object.


Overriding the data type for a pipeline when loading as a python_function (pyfunc) model flavor is not supported. The value set for torch_dtype during save_model() or log_model() will persist when loading as pyfunc.

Input Data Types for Audio Pipelines

Note that passing raw data to an audio pipeline (raw bytes) requires two separate elements of the same effective library. In order to use the bitrate transposition and conversion of the audio bytes data into numpy nd.array format, the library ffmpeg is required. Installing this package directly from pypi (pip install ffmpeg) does not install the underlying c dll’s that are required to make ffmpeg function. Please consult with the documentation at the ffmpeg website for guidance on your given operating system.

The Audio Pipeline types, when loaded as a python_function (pyfunc) model flavor have three input types available:

  • str

The string input type is meant for blob references (uri locations) that are accessible to the instance of the pyfunc model. This input mode is useful when doing large batch processing of audio inference in Spark due to the inherent limitations of handling large bytes data in Spark DataFrames. Ensure that you have ffmpeg installed in the environment that the pyfunc model is running in order to use str input uri-based inference. If this package is not properly installed (both from pypi and from the ffmpeg binaries), an Exception will be thrown at inference time.


If using a uri (str) as an input type for a pyfunc model that you are intending to host for realtime inference through the MLflow Model Server, you must specify a custom model signature when logging or saving the model. The default signature input value type of bytes will, in MLflow Model serving, force the conversion of the uri string to bytes, which will cause an Exception to be thrown from the serving process stating that the soundfile is corrupt.

An example of specifying an appropriate uri-based input model signature for an audio model is shown below:

from mlflow.models import infer_signature
from mlflow.transformers import generate_signature_output

url = "https://www.mywebsite.com/sound/files/for/transcription/file111.mp3"
signature = infer_signature(url, generate_signature_output(my_audio_pipeline, url))
with mlflow.start_run():
  • bytes

This is the default serialization format of audio files. It is the easiest format to utilize due to the fact that Pipeline implementations will automatically convert the audio bitrate from the file with the use of ffmpeg (a required dependency if using this format) to the bitrate required by the underlying model within the Pipeline. When using the pyfunc representation of the pipeline directly (not through serving), the sound file can be passed directly as bytes without any modification. When used through serving, the bytes data must be base64 encoded.

  • np.ndarray

This input format requires that both the bitrate has been set prior to conversion to numpy.ndarray (i.e., through the use of a package like librosa or pydub) and that the model has been saved with a signature that uses the np.ndarray format for the input.


Audio models being used for serving that intend to utilize pre-formatted audio in np.ndarray format must have the model saved with a signature configuration that reflects this schema. Failure to do so will result in type casting errors due to the default signature for audio transformers pipelines being set as expecting binary (bytes) data. The serving endpoint cannot accept a union of types, so a particular model instance must choose one or the other as an allowed input type.

Storage-Efficient Model Logging with save_pretrained Option


The save_pretrained argument is only available in MLflow 2.11.0 and above, and still in experimental stage. The API and behavior may change in future releases. Moreover, this feature is intended for advanced users who are familiar with Transformers and MLflow, understanding the potential risks of using this feature.

Avoiding Redundant Model Copy by Setting save_pretrained=False

Typically, when MLflow logs an ML model, it saves a copy of the model weight to the artifact store. However, this is not optimal when you use a pretrained model from HuggingFace Hub and have no intention of fine-tuning or otherwise manipulating the model or its weights before logging it. For this very common case, copying the (typically very large) model weights is redundant while developing prompts, testing inference parameters, and otherwise is little more than an unnecessary waste of storage space.

To address this issue, MLflow 2.11.0 introduced a new argument save_pretrained in the mlflow.transformers.save_model() and mlflow.transformers.log_model() APIs. When with argument is set to False, MLflow will forego saving the pretrained model weights, opting instead to store a reference to the underlying repository entry on the HuggingFace Hub; specifically, the repository name and the unique commit hash of the model weights are stored when your components or pipeline are logged. When loading back such a refernce-only model, MLflow will check the repository name and commit hash from the saved metadata, and either download the model weight from the HuggingFace Hub or use the locally cached model from your HuggingFace local cache directory.

A good analogy for this feature is the comparison between a file copy and a symlink operation. The default behavior for the transformers flavor is to perform a copy, materializing the model weight files in your artifact store that is associated with the run that the model is logged to. By setting save_pretrained=False, MLflow will log a link to the HuggingFace Hub repository, effectively building in symlink functionality to the run. This will save storage space and reduce the logging latency significantly, particularly for large models like LLMs.

Example Usage

Here is the example of using save_pretrained argument for logging a model

import transformers

pipeline = transformers.pipeline(
    task="text-generation", model="databricks/dolly-v2-7b", torch_dtype="torch.float16"

with mlflow.start_run():

In the above example, MLflow will not save a copy of the Dolly-v2-7B model’s weights and will instead log the following metadata as a reference to the HuggingFace Hub model. This will save roughly 15GB of storage space and reduce the logging latency significantly as well for each run that you initiate during development. ` source_model_name: "databricks/dolly-v2-7b" source_model_revision: "d632f0c8b75b1ae5b26b250d25bfba4e99cb7c6f" `

Caveats of Reference-Only Models

While the save_pretrained argument is useful for saving storage space and reducing logging latency, it has the following caveats to be aware of:

  • Change in Model Unavailability: If you are using a model from other users’ repository, the model may be deleted or become private in the HuggingFace Hub. In such cases, MLflow cannot load the model back. For production use cases, it is recommended to save the copy model weight to the artifact store prior to moving from development or staging to production for your model.

  • HuggingFace Hub Access: Downloading a model from the HuggingFace Hub might be slow or unstable due to the network condition or the HuggingFace Hub service status. MLflow doesn’t provide any retry mechanism or robust error handling for the model downloading. As such, you should not rely on this functionality for your final production-candidate run.

  • Limited Databricks Integration: If you are using Databricks, be aware that the model saved with save_pretrained=False cannot be registered to the legacy Workspace Model Registry. If you want to register the reference-only Transformer model, please use Unity Catalog instead, or download the model weight in advance using mlflow.transformers.persist_pretrained_model() API as described in the next section.

Persist the Model Weight to the Existing Reference-Only Model

If you want to update the reference-only model to an instance that contains the model weight, you can use the mlflow.transformers.persist_pretrained_model() API. This API will download the model weight from the HuggingFace Hub, save it to the artifact location, and update the metadata of the given reference-only model. After this operation, the model will be equivalent to the one saved with save_pretrained=True and be ready for the production use.


The mlflow.transformers.persist_pretrained_model() API does NOT require re-logging a model but efficiently update the existing model and metadata in-place.

import mlflow
import transformers

pipeline = transformers.pipeline(
    task="text-generation", model="databricks/dolly-v2-7b", torch_dtype="torch.float16"

# Save the reference-only Transformer model
with mlflow.start_run():
    model_info = mlflow.transformers.log_model(

# Model weight is not saved to the artifact store
assert not os.path.exists(model_info.artifact_path + "/model")

# This will download the model weight from the HuggingFace Hub and save it
# to the artifact location

assert os.path.exists(model_info.artifact_path + "/model")

PEFT Models in MLflow Transformers flavor


The PEFT model is supported in MLflow 2.11.0 and above and is still in the experimental stage. The API and behavior may change in future releases. Moreover, the PEFT library is under active development, so not all features and adapter types might be supported in MLflow.

PEFT is a library developed by HuggingFace🤗, that provides various optimization methods for pretrained models available on the HuggingFace Hub. With PEFT, you can easily apply various optimization techniques like LoRA and QLoRA to reduce the cost of fine-tuning Transformers models.

For example, LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) is a method that approximate the weight updates of fine-tuning process with two smaller matrices through low-rank decomposition. LoRA typically shrinks the number of parameters to train to only 0.01% ~ a few % of the full model fine-tuning (depending on the configuration), which significantly accelerates the fine-tuning process and reduces the memory footprint, such that you can even train a Mistral/Llama2 7B model on a single Nvidia A10G GPU in an hour. By using PEFT, you can apply LoRA to your Transformers model with only a few lines of code:

from peft import LoraConfig, get_peft_model

base_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(...)
lora_config = LoraConfig(...)
peft_model = get_peft_model(base_model, lora_config)

In MLflow 2.11.0, we introduced support for tracking PEFT models in the MLflow Transformers flavor. You can log and load PEFT models using the same APIs as other Transformers models, such as mlflow.transformers.log_model() and mlflow.transformers.load_model().

import mlflow
from peft import LoraConfig, get_peft_model
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

model_id = "databricks/dolly-v2-7b"
base_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)

peft_config = LoraConfig(...)
peft_model = get_peft_model(base_model, peft_config)

with mlflow.start_run():
    # Your training code here

    # Log the PEFT model
    model_info = mlflow.transformers.log_model(
            "model": peft_model,
            "tokenizer": tokenizer,

# Load the PEFT model
loaded_model = mlflow.transformers.load_model(model_info.model_uri)

PEFT Models in MLflow Tutorial

Check out the tutorial Fine-Tuning Open-Source LLM using QLoRA with MLflow and PEFT for a more in-depth guide on how to use PEFT with MLflow,

Format of Saved PEFT Model

When saving PEFT models, MLflow only saves the PEFT adapter and the configuration, but not the base model’s weights. This is the same behavior as the Transformer’s save_pretrained() method and is highly efficient in terms of storage space and logging latency. One difference is that MLflow will also save the HuggingFace Hub repository name and version for the base model in the model metadata, so that it can load the same base model when loading the PEFT model. Concretely, the following artifacts are saved in MLflow for PEFT models:

  • The PEFT adapter weight under the /peft directory.

  • The PEFT configuration as a JSON file under the /peft directory.

  • The HuggingFace Hub repository name and commit hash for the base model in the MLModel metadata file.

Limitations of PEFT Models in MLflow

Since the model saving/loading behavior for PEFT models is similar to that of save_pretrained=False, the same caveats apply to PEFT models. For example, the base model weight may be deleted or become private in the HuggingFace Hub, and PEFT models cannot be registered to the legacy Databricks Workspace Model Registry.

To save the base model weight for PEFT models, you can use the mlflow.transformers.persist_pretrained_model() API. This will download the base model weight from the HuggingFace Hub and save it to the artifact location, updating the metadata of the given PEFT model. Please refer to this section for the detailed usage of this API.